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Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies Jena

The Idea

How will AR/VR/MR/3D evolve and what role will all other immersive imaging technologies play in the future? What we need is a place where a wide and varied range of actors can congregate with all their expertise, a place where technologies and innovations can be tested and presented and where we can think together about new, future-oriented technologies. Brainstorming does not work alone!

The 3IT Jena is the partner center of the 3IT Berlin, whose members form a network of research institutions and industrial companies. The 3IT partners constitute a network of research institutions and industrial businesses. They merge specific competences of different areas of immersive imaging technologies and therefore cover the entire sector. Together with our partners we are building a unique and strong brand in Germany.

Immersive imaging technologies are not only important in the entertainment sector. We also promote Germany in traditionally strong sectors, such as the automotive and medical industries, by setting clear objectives:

  • Transfer of knowledge between science and economy
  • Identification and definition of quality standards
  • Generation of synergies and joint usage of resources
  • Utilization of location advantages in Jena and Berlin

Our offer

The 3IT offers its partners the unique opportunity to jointly develop the field of immersive imaging technologies in a precompetitive environment. With its over 100 square meters, it is not only a virtual network but also a platform and venue..

What we offer

  • A laboratory environment for courses such as internships
  • A central storage and rental facility for AR/VR/MR/3D technologies
  • A communication platform for providers, users and a broad audience
  • A development platform and testbed for immersive imaging technologies, applications and infrastructures
  • A transfer platform for know-how 
  • Support for research projects on industry-relevant applications