Information about study programs
Information on the degree program with the following specializations:
- Degree program brochure Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Automation and Robotics (module plan)
- Communication and Circuit Technology (module plan)
- Technical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (module plan)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions from WS 2020/2021 (German)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions up to WS 2020/2021 (German)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions up to WS 2020/2021 (English)
- Self-assessment - knowledge test for the degree program Self-assessment - knowledge test for the study program for women
Information on the degree program with the following specializations:
- Automation and Robotics (module plan)
- Communication and Circuit Technology (module plan)
- Technical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (module plan)
- Astrionics (module plan)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions from WS 2020/2021 (German)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions up to WS 2020/2021 (German)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions up to WS 2020/2021 (English)
- Master of Mechatronics (module plan)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions from WS 2020/2021 (German)
- ECTS brochure including module descriptions up to WS 2020/2021 (German)
ECTS brochure including module descriptions up to WS 2020/2021 (English)
Information on discontinued degree programs
That degree program is no longer accepting new enrollees.
The possibility of a semester abroad still exists. For all students in the Bachelor's degree program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, there is a mobility window in the 5th semester!
- ECTS brochure (German)
- ECTS brochure (English)
That degree program is no longer accepting new enrollees.
The Master's degree program in Astrionics will continue to be offered as a specialization within the Master's degree program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology!
- ECTS brochure (German)
- ECTS brochure (English)