Production engineering, precision engineering

In the department, various systems are available in different laboratories to practically illustrate the teaching content of manufacturing automation. In addition to numerous systems for laser material processing as well as mechanical and additive manufacturing, students can receive practical training on various robot and assembly systems as well as programming and simulation tools. This proximity to industrial practice is promoted by continuously conducted research projects.
- Head: Prof. Dr. Jens Bliedtner
- Staff: Dr. Kerstin Götze, Andreas Reichardt

The laboratory for production metrology is used by the SciTec and Industrial Engineering departments as part of practical courses. Here, knowledge of the fundamentals of metrology and the contents of production metrology are taught. During experiments on devices for shape, coordinate and layer thickness measurement, the student has the opportunity to deepen the lecture contents and to recognize relations in dimensions and deviations.
Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Schröck
Staff: Frank Heinecke, Andreas Pachmann

The work in the production technology laboratory serves the goal of teaching students the basic principles of independent, laboratory-based work within the framework of production technology tasks. The extensive laboratory equipment helps in learning the manufacturing basics of milling, turning, grinding and eroding as well as in acquiring knowledge of the principles and handling of technological processes (e.g.: CNC programming).
Here, the examination methods are examined with regard to their informative value and reproducibility with regard to the test results. Recognising and taking into account relevant influences when carrying out experiments and critically assessing the measurement results is an essential part of the practical courses.
The extensive equipment with conventional and CNC processing machines makes it possible to use them in practical courses on production technology as well as in practical courses on production automation. In the practical courses on production automation, which take place in the production technology laboratory, the focus is on the programming of CNC machines.
Head: Prof. Dr. Jens Bliedtner
Staff: Volker Heineck, Andreas Reichardt

In the practical course, the student learns to test the principles of device development presented in the lectures on device technology on practical examples and to evaluate existing designs accordingly. Over the course of a semester, a device or an assembly is examined in a complex manner in the practical course and laboratory skills and abilities of a device developer are acquired in the process. At present, three test complexes with different measurement principles are set up:
- Vibration measurement with non-contact (Polytec / SIOS) and tactile sensors.
- Non-contact motion analysis of assemblies
- Simulation of device functions using optoelectronic and mechanical elements
Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Schröck
Staff: Frank Heinecke

The Rapid Prototyping (RP) laboratory is part of the Manufacturing Engineering and Automation laboratory complex. The students of the engineering courses complete practical exercises in the field of RP technologies in this laboratory.
The lab includes three manufacturing technologies:
- 3D printing, where the stereolithography, FLM and polyjet processes are used,
- vacuum casting, where PU resins are filled into the mould in liquid form under vacuum using a silicone mould, and
- injection moulding, where thermoplastic is melted and pressed into a metal mould under pressure.
- Head: Prof. Dr. Jens Bliedtner
- Staff: Volker Heineck

In the Product Data Management (PDM) labs, students learn the application and use of finite element methodology (FEM) software in addition to computer-aided design (CAD) of individual parts and assemblies. In conjunction with Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), designed and FEM-analyzed individual parts are manufactured using software and post-processors in the Manufacturing Engineering labs. Furthermore, the facilities of the laboratories are used for cooperation with industrial companies and research institutions.
- Head: Prof. Dr. Jens Bliedtner, Prof. Dr. Frank Dienerowitz, Prof. Dr. Mirko Pfaff
- Staff: Carsten Selke, Volker Heineck

In the Quality Management Laboratory, students are introduced to Statistical Design of Experiments, Statistical Process Control, Quality Function Deployment, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, and Auditing through experiments. Working in teams, students also learn how to use tools and methods for idea generation and idea preparation in preparation for operational practice.
- Head: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Merker
- Staff: Andreas Pachmann