Short CV Keynote Speaker

Dr. ir. Thijs Veugen

Short CV

Thijs Veugen is senior scientist at TNO (the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Reasearch) and senior researcher in the cryptology group of CWI (Dutch national research institute for mathematics and computer science). His main research area is the application of secure multi-party computation (MPC), developing efficient and secure solutions for various operations like comparison and division. At TNO he is responsible for a large team working on post quantum crypto, MPC, and other cryptographic topics. Thijs studied both Mathematics and Computer Science at the TU Eindhoven and got his PhD at the same university in Information Theory. He authored 15 peer-reviewed journal publications, 37 Conference papers, 22 patents, 1 book, 2 book chapters, 28 other publications and is reviewer for several international journals. He supervised 6 PhD students.
