September 11 - 13, 2023, Bamberg, Germany
Best Paper Award
Criteria – rated by the Program Committee reviewers
- Accordance to the state of the art
- Degree of novelty and innovation
- In the focus of the conference
- Fitting the style instructions
- Level of language and presentation
The criteria above will be rated during the single-blind review process by at least three members of the nominated Program Committee.

Best Presentation Award
Criteria – rated by the auditory during the conference
- Relevance of contents
- Style of presentation
- Quality of slides
All participants of the event could vote in an survey.

Young Scientist Award
Criteria – rated by the Steering Committee in cooperation with present Program Committee members
- Impression of paper, presentation and slides
- Contribution to the conference community
- Most talented researcher irrespective of age
Only students currently in the process of reaching a scientific degree are qualified for this award.

Awards 2023 - And the winners are...