Pre-course - Your start into studies

We prepare you for your studies starting in October in our department. Through practical exercises, you can try things out on your own but also have shared experiences:

  • How do autonomous vehicles work? - Program your own model vehicle!
  • Why do I need electric motors? - Are you stronger than an electric motor?
  • How do robots function? - Can you control a robot?
  • What is virtual and augmented reality? - Try it out for yourself!
  • Solder your own circuit!
  • Review the basics of measurement technology!

It is crucial to get to know your future study environment, your future professors, and especially your fellow students. This way, your studies can start smoothly.

  • When does the pre-course take place?

Save the dates 07/10, 10/10 and 11/10/2024 for this year. The course will take place from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM each day.

  • What are the costs of participating in the pre-course?

The pre-course is free of charge.

  • What program awaits me?

There will be a schedule for the pre-course, which we will inform you about in due time.

  • What do I need to do if I'm interested in the pre-course and who is the contact person?

It is best to register now by email with Prof. Förster ( Please provide him with your complete address and phone number for further inquiries! He will send you a confirmation of registration, and we will inform you in due time about all dates and news regarding the pre-course.

  • How many participants can take part in the pre-course?

The number of participants is limited, and spots will be assigned in the order of registration - so register in good time!

We are looking forward to having you!