Innovative teaching

Problem-based learning (PBL)

"Don't copy knowledge into it, but actively build it up" ...

... means learning early on in your studies how you can actively and independently acquire and deepen new knowledge and skills.

The professional requirements of an industrial engineer are diverse and complex. Problem-based learning should help to meet the call for further education and new knowledge acquisition.

S-50 Engine Practical Course

The S50 engine practical course is part of the compulsory subject Design-Engineering 1 in the 1st semester of most courses in the Department of Industrial Engineering. Here, a regenerated Simson S50 engine is professionally disassembled and then assembled at special workstations in teams of two.

> Further information in German can be found here

Human Robotics

At the Department of Industrial Engineering, students can work on various topics related to humanoid robots. In teaching, the content ranges from programming and application design to marketing issues. Currently, the robot Pepper from SoftBank Robotics is used at the department.

You can find more information here!