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Research Projects

Automated Bioink Preparation for Bioprinting Applications

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: may 2019 – april 2021
Financing: BMWi
employees: A. Göhring, B.Böttcher, A.Pflieger
Partner: GeSiM mbH


3D Bioprinting für dreidimensionale Zellkulturen in Lab-on-a-Chip-Systemen (3D-BioLoC)

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: september 2017 – august 2020
Financing: BMBF


Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Employees: Dr. B. Büttner, A. Göhring
Contract period: 2015 – 2019
Financing: BMBF

Cooperation network with the long term aim of projects at EU level for the development of biosensor-assays in personalized medicine

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Employees: S. Barchmann
Contract period: may 2014 – march 2015
Financing: Europa für Thüringen - Europäischer Sozialfonds


Additive Technologien

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: may 2013 – december 2015
Financing: Thüringer Aufbau Bank


Enhanced Imaging of Microstructures for Live Cell Applications (EIMA)

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: september 2013 – march 2015
Financing: BMBF

Sample In – Answer Out Optochemical Sensing Systems (SAMOSS)

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: september 2013 – august 2017
Employees: Dr. M. Dubiak-Szepietowska, Dr. A. Karczmarczyk, Dr. C. Kramer
for further information please visit:

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: november 2013 – october 2016
Employees: Dr. M. Büttner, Dr. B. Büttner, B. Böttcher, A. Ebersbach
Partner: University Regensburg and industrial partners
Financing: BMWi

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: april 2013 – march 2015
Employees: Dr. C. Bartzsch, Dr. B. Büttner, B. Böttcher, J. Ott
Partner: Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme (IKTS) and industrial partners
Financing: BMWi

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: january 2012 - december 2013
Employees: S. Eisenhuth
Partner: University Compiegne, Cetoni GmbH, 3D-Schilling
Financing: EU (EFRE), TMWAI

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: december 2010 – december 2012
Employees: Dr. M.Schimmelpfennig, D.Hoffmann, Dr. K. Hoffmeier
Partner: HSG IMIT and industrial partners
Financing: BMWi

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: may 2010 – december 2013
Employees: Dr. M. Schimmelpfennig, Dr. U. Hofmann, Dr. B. Büttner, Dr. M. Büttner
Partner: University Regensburg and industrial partners
Financing: BMWi

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: february 2009 - february 2012
Employees: Dr. S. Kunath
Partner: University Compiegne, University Amiens
Financing: EU (EFRE), TMWAI

Coordinator: Cetoni GmbH
Contract period: May 2007 - october 2009
Employees: Dr. M. Schimmelpfennig, Dr. K. Dornbusch
Partner: Cetoni GmbH, Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V., Abteilung Mikrosystemtechnologie
Financing: BMWi

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: january 2008 - september 2010
Employees: Dr. M. Schimmelpfennig, Dr. K. Dornbusch
Partner: MAZeT GmbH
Financing: BMWi

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: end of 2009
Employees: Dr. K. Weber, Dr. M. Schimmelpfennig, Dr. S. Kunath
Partner: SASOL WAX GmbH, Hamburg
Financing: SASOL WAX GmbH, Hamburg

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: until dezember 2009
Employees: Dr. A. Berzanskis, Dr. Gaizauskas (Gastwiss.), Dr. V. Malyshev (Gastwiss.)
Partner: University Vilnius, St. Petersburg, Moskau, Uni Frankfurt
Financing: DFG, BMBF

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Feller
Contract period: september 2003 – december 2006
Employees: Dr. J. Weber, Dr. K. Weber, Dr. M. Schimmelpfennig, M. Bannert, Dr. K. Dornbusch
Partner: Analytik Jena AG, Clondiag GmbH, Quantifoil GmbH, u. a., IPHT, TUBA Freiberg, TU Ilmenau
Financing: BMWA, Industry