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Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • S. Neubauer, S. Madzgalla, M. Marquet, A. Klabunde, B. Büttner, A. Göhring, C. Brandt, K.-H. Feller,  M. W. Pletz, O. Makarewicz
    A Genotype-phenotype correlation study of SHV β-lactamases offers new insight into SHV resistance profiles 
    Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 64, (2020) DOI: 10.1128/AAC.02293-19

  • M. L. Hupfer, M. Kaufmann, F. Herrmann-Westendorf, T. Sachse, L. Roussille,  K.-H. Feller,  D. Weiß, V. Deckert, R. Beckert, B. Dietzek, M. Presselt,
    On the Control of Chromophore Orientation, Supramolecular Structure, and Thermo-dynamic Stability of an Amphiphilic Pyridyl-Thiazol upon Lateral Compression and Spacer Length Variation
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 44181−44191 (2017)

  • A. Karczmarczyk, A. J. Bäumner, K.-H. Feller,
    Rapid and sensitive inhibition-based assay for the electrochemical detection of Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxin M1 in red wine and milk
    Electrochimica Acta, 243, 82 – 89 (2017)
  • A. Karczmarczyk, K. Haupt, K.-H. Feller ,
    Development of a QCM-D biosensor for Ochratoxin A detection in red wine
    Talanta, 166, 193 - 197 (2017)
  • M. Dubiak-Szepietowska, A. Karczmarzyk, T. Winkler, K.-H. Feller,
    A cell-based biosensor for nanomaterials cytotoxicity assessment in three-dimensional cell culture
    Toxicology, 370, 60–69 (2016)

  • A. Karczmarczyk, C. Reiner-Rozman, S. Hageneder, M. Dubiak-Szepietowska, J. Dostálek , K.-H. Feller,
    Fast and sensitive detection of Ochratoxin A in red wine by nanoparticle-enhanced SPR
    Analytica Chimica Acta, 937, 143-150 (2016)

  • A. Karczmarczyk, M. Dubiak-Szepietowska, M. Vorobii, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, J. Dostálek K.-H. Feller,
    Sensitive and rapid detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk utilizing enhanced SPR and p(HEMA) brushes
    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 81, 159-165 (2016), DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2016.02.061

  • M. Dubiak-Szepietowska, A. Karczmarczyk, M.Jönsson-Niedziółka, T. Winckler, K.-H. Feller,
    Development of complex-shaped liver multicellular spheroids as a human-based model for nanoparticle toxicity assessment in vitro
    Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 294, 78-85 (2016), DOI:10.1016/j.taap.2016.01.016

  • U. Hofmann, M.Priem, C. Bartzsch, T. Winckler K.-H. Feller,
    A sensitive sensor cell line for the detection of oxidative stress responses in cultured human keratinocytes
    Sensors 14, , 11293-11307 (2014), DOI:10.3390/s140711293

  • S. Kunath, N. Marchyk, K. Haupt, K.-H. Feller,
    Multi-objective optimization and design of experiments as tools to tailor molecularly imprinted polymers specific for glucuronic acid
    Talanta 105, 211-218 (2013), DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2012.11.029

  • U. Hofmann, S. Michaelis, T. Winckler, J. Wegener, K.-H. Feller,
    A whole-cell biosensor as alternative to skin irritation tests
    Biosens Bioelectron 39 (1), 156-162 (2013), DOI 10.1016/j.bios.2012.07.075

  • S. Harz, M. Schimmelpfennig, B. Tse Sum Bui, N. Marchyk, K. Haupt, K.-H. Feller,
    Fluorescence optical spectrally resolved sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymers and microfluidics
    Engineering in Life Sciences 11 (6), 559 – 565 (2011)

  • D. Odaci, K. Dornbusch, K-H. Feller, S. Timur,
    Application of microstructured devices and true color sensor to enzyme assays for glucose oxidase and laccase measurements
    Engineering in Life Sciences 11 (2), 182 – 188 (2011)

  • N. Yildirim, D. Odaci, G. Öztürk, S. Alp, Y. Ergun, K-H. Feller, K. Dornbusch, S. Timur,
    Sol-Gel Encapsulated Glucose Oxidase Arrays based on pH Sensitive Fluorescent Dye
    Dyes & Pigments , 89 (2), 144 – 148 (2011)

  • G. Öztürk, K.-H. Feller, K. Dornbusch, S. Timur, S. Alp, Y. Ergün,
    Development of fluorescent array based on sol-gel/chitosan encapsulated acetylcholinesterase and pH sensitive oxazol-5-one derivative
    Journal of Fluorescence 21, 161 - 167 (2011)

  • M. Schimmelpfennig, K. Dornbusch, M. Bannert, K.-H. Feller,
    Development of an integrated micro-analytical system for fluorescence detection
    Engineering in Life Sciences 8 (4), 415 – 424 (2008)

  • K. Schönefeld, R. Ludwig, K.-H. Feller,
    Fluorescence studies of host-guest interaction of a dansyl amide labelled calix[6]arene
    Journal of Fluorescence 16, 449 – 454 (2006)

  • K. Schönefeld, A. Barann, K. Vogel, K.-H. Feller, P. Müller, E. Weber,
    Fluorescence studies of crown ether complexes – solvent effects regarding to the inclusion properties of host-guest sensor complexes
    International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 85, 655-663 (2005)

  • E. Gaizauskas, K.-H. Feller,
    Effects of strong excitation induced disorder on pump-probe spectra of molecular aggregates
    Journal of Luminescence 102 – 103, 13 – 20 (2003)

  • E. Gaizauskas, K.-H. Feller,
    Nonlinear transients to pump-probe spectra of strongly excited J-aggregates
    Optical Communications 216, 217 – 224 (2003)

  • H. Glaeske, V. A. Malyshev, K.-H. Feller,
    Effects of higher exciton manifolds and exciton-exciton annihilation on optical bistable response of an ultrathin glassy film comprized of oriented linear Frenkel chains
    Physical Reviews A 65, 33821 – 33832 (2002)

  • K.-H. Feller, E. Gaizauskas,
    Dynamical disorder affected differential absorption spectra: the excess energy degradation model
    Journal of Molecular Structure 598, 45 – 48 (2001)

  • E. Gaizauskas, S. Pakalnis, K.-H. Feller,
    Evidence of the dynamic disordering effects in PIC-Cl J-aggregates from picosecond spectroscopy
    Chemical Physics 266 (1), 69 – 75 (2001)

  • H. Glaeske, V. A. Malyshev, K.-H. Feller,
    Mirrorless optical bistability of an ultrathin glassy film built up of oriented J-aggregates: Effects of two-exciton states and exciton-exciton annihilation
    Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (5), 1966 – 1969 (2001)

  • V. A. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Intrinsic optical bistability of an ultrathin film consisting of oriented linear aggregates
    Journal of Chemical Physics 113 (3), 1170 - 1176 (2000)

  • V. A. Malyshev, G. G. Kozlov, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Channels of the exciton-exciton annihilation in one-dimensional aggregates at low temperature
    Chemical Physics 254, 31 – 38 (2000)

  • K.-H. Feller, E. Gaizauskas,
    Cooperative disordering processes in J-aggregates – Difference absorption spectra caused by dynamical disorder
    Journal of Luminescence 83 – 84, 265 - 270 (1999)

  • V. A. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller
    Abrupt switching and hysteresis of transmittivity of an ultrathin film consisting of J-aggregates
    Journal of Luminescence 83 – 84, 291 – 295 (1999)

  • V. A. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Bistable behavior of transmittivity of an ultrathin film comprised of linear molecular aggregates
    Optics Communications 169 (1-6), 177 – 181 (1999)

  • A. Berzanskis, W. Chiniglia, L. A. Lugiato, K.-H. Feller, P. DiTrapani,
    Spatial structure in optical parametric amplification
    Physical Review A 60 (2), 1626 – 1635 (1999)

  • V. A. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Exciton-exciton annihilation in linear molecular aggregates at low temperatures
    Chemical Physics Letters 305 (1-2), 117 - 122 (1999)

  • D. De la Calle Garcia, M. Reichenbächer, K. Danzer, C. Hurlbeck, C. Bartzsch,K.-H. Feller,
    Use of solid-phase microextraction-capillary-gas chromatography (SPME-CGC) for the varietal characterization of wines by means of chemometrical methods
    Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 360, 784 - 787 (1998)

  • D. De la Calle Garcia, M. Reichenbächer, K. Danzer, C. Hurlbeck, C. Bartzsch, K.-H. Feller,
    Analysis of wine bouquet components using headspace solid-phase microextraction-capillary gas chromatography
    Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 21, 373 - 377 (1998)

  • A. Berzanskis, K.-H. Feller, A. Stabinis,
    Pulsed squeezing in dispersive parametric frequency conversion
    Optics Communications 155, 155 - 168 (1998)

  • E. Gaizauskas, A. Berzanskis, K.-H. Feller,
    Effects of non-Markovian relaxation on femtosecond transients in (four wave mixing) differential absorption spectroscopy
    Chemical Physics 235, 123 - 130 (1998)

  • V. A. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Absence of bistable behaviour in optical response of a dimer
    Physical Review A 58 (2), 1496 - 1500 (1998)

  • V. A. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Optical bistable response of an open linear Frenkel chain, Exciton-exciton annihilation and boundary effects
    Physical Review A 58 (1), 670 - 678 (1998)

  • V. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Effect of exciton-exciton annihilation on optical bistability of one-dimensional Frenkel excitons
    Journal of Luminescence 76&77, 455 - 459 (1998)

  • E. Gaizauskas, K.-H. Feller,
    Two-photon resonance enhanced transients in femtosecond spectra of molecular aggregates
    Photochemistry & Photobiology 66 (5), 611 - 617 (1997)

  • D. De la Calle Garcia, M. Reichenbächer, K. Danzer, C. Hurlbeck, C. Bartzsch, K.-H. Feller,
    Investigation of wine bouquet components by solid-phase microextraction-capillary gas chromatography (SPME-CGC) using different fibers
    Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 20, 665 - 668 (1997)

  • V. Malyshev, H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller,
    Effect of exciton-exciton annihilation on optical bistability of a linear molecular aggregate
    Optics Communications 140, 83 - 88 (1997)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, A. Pugzlys, D. Möbius,
    Near resonant nonlinear optical properties of pseudoisocyanine J-aggregate Langmuir-Blodgett layers
    Laser Chemistry 17, 123 - 137 (1997)

  • R. Gadonas, K.-H. Feller, G. Jonusauskas, J. Oberle, A. Pugzlys, C. Rulliere,
    Wavelength and intensity dependent transient degenerate four wave mixing in pseudoisocyanine J-aggregates
    Journal of Chemical Physics 106 (20), 8374 - 8383 (1997)

  • A. Berzanskis, K.-H. Feller, A. Stabinis,
    Cascaded second-order nonlinearity in quantum nondemolition (QND) measurements
    Applied Physics B64, 259 - 264 (1997)

  • R. Gadonas, A. Pugzlys, K.-H. Feller,
    Dispersion of third order optical nonlinearity of pseudoisocyanine J-aggregates
    Laser Chemistry 17, 1 - 18 (1997)

  • A. Baltuska, R. Gadonas, A. Piskarskas, A. Pugzlys, K.-H. Feller,
    Investigation of nonlinear optical properties of J-aggregates of pseudoisocyanine chloride
    Lithuanian Journal of Physics 36, 322 - 324 (1996)

  • K.-H. Feller, J. Bischoff, R. Gadonas, A. Pugzlys,
    Non-linear optics and environmental sensing with Langmuir-Blodgett films II. Surface analytics and photostability of Langmuir-Blodgett films
    Lithuanian Journal of Physics 36, 281 - 286 (1996)

  • E. Gaizauskas, K.-H. Feller, L. Valkunas,
    Manifestation of transition from the excited state by means of femtosecond four wave mixing spectroscopy
    Optical and Quantum Electronics 28, 1203 - 1213 (1996)

  • U.-W. Grummt, K.-H. Feller, J. Lehmann, R. Gadonas, A. Pugzlys,
    AFM and NLO investigations of stilbazolium dyes in Langmuir-Blodgett layers
    Thin Solid Films 284/285, 904 - 907 (1996)

  • H. Glaeske, K.-H. Feller, E. Gaizauskas, L. Knöll,
    Quantum beats in transient spectroscopy of J-aggregates
    Laser Chemistry 16, 179 - 196 (1996)

  • E. Gaizauskas, K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas,
    Annihilation enhanced four-wave mixing in molecular aggregates
    Optics Communications 118, 360 - 366 (1995)

  • A. Berzanskis, K.-H. Feller, A. Stabinis,
    Squeezed light generation by means of cascade second order nonlinearity
    Optics Communications 118, 438 - 446 (1995)

  • R. Gadonas, K.-H. Feller, A. Pugzlys,
    Wavelength dependent nonlinear optical properties of pseudoisocyanine J-aggregates
    Optics Communications 112, 157 - 162 (1994)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas,
    Nonlinear optics and environmental sensing with Langmuir-Blodgett films
    Lithuanian Journal of Physics 34, 163 - 170 (1994)

  • K.-H. Feller,
    Energy and electron transfer processes in polymethine dyes
    Lithuanian Journal of Physics 34, 34 - 40 (1994)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas, A. Pugzlys,
    Time-resolved absorption studies of polymethine dyes in Langmuir-Blodgett films
    International Journal of Optoelectronics. 8, 677 - 683 (1993)

  • I. K. Lednev, E. V. Malysheva, K.-H. Feller, M. V. Alfimov,
    Trisbipyridine Ruthenium complex luminescence quenching in micellar system, Influence of the nature of the quencher
    Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR 328, 66 - 71 (1993)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas, A. Pelakauskas,
    Picosecond absorption spectroscopy of polymethine dimers
    Journal of Molecular Structure 266, 127-131 (1992)

  • K.-H. Feller, G. Clausner, R. König,
    Experimental studies on UV-laser ablation of tissues
    Exp. Techn. of Physics 39, 319-322 (1991)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas, V. Fidler, S. Vajda,
    Time-resolved spectroscopy of polymethine J-aggregates
    Laser Chemistry 11, 1-12 (1991)

  • K.-H. Feller, U.-W. Grummt, D. Fassler, R. Gadonas, V.Krasauskas, A.Pelakauskas. A. Piskarskas,
    Photoelectron transfer processes of polymethine dyes
    Journal of Molecular Structure 219, 417-424 (1990)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas,
    Picosecond absorption spectroscopy of Förster energy transfer of polymethine dyes
    Laser Chemistry 10, 139-145 (1990)

  • K.-H. Feller, D. Fassler, V. Krasauskas, R. Gadonas, A. Pelakauskas, A.Piskarskas,
    Photoelectron transfer reactions of polymethine dyes
    Journal of Information Recording Materials 17, 459-466 (1989)

  • D. Fassler, K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas, A. Pelakauskas, A.Piskarskas,
    Picosecond absorption spectroscopy of the spectral sensitization process of silver halide gelatin films by cyanine dyes
    Journal of Information Recording Materials. 17, 267-272 (1989)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas,
    Picosecond absorption spectroscopy of a short-living polymethine photoisomer
    Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie (Leipzig) 270, 421-429 (1989)

  • D. Fassler, K.-H. Feller,
    Picosecond spectroscopy of polymethine dyes
    Journal of Molecular Structure 173, 377-387 (1988)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas,
    Picosecond absorption spectroscopy of polymethine isomers
    Laser Chemistry 8, 39-47 (1988)

  • K.-H. Feller, D. Fassler, V. Shapovalov, A. Demyashkevich, M.G. Kuzmin,
    Ultrafast photodissociation of substituted 1-naphthols in aqueous solution
    Exp. Techn. Phys. 36, 1-6 (1988)

  • K.-H. Feller, U.-W. Grummt,
    Remarks on the interpretation of fluorescence decay curves by multicomponent fitting
    Exp. Techn. Phys. 35, 321-326 (1987)

  • K.-H. Feller, R. Gase, R. Gadonas, V. Krasauskas,
    Environmental effect on the deactivation of the S1-state of polymethine dyes
    Revue Roumaine de Physique. 32, 163-167 (1987)

  • K.-H. Feller, K. Berndt, H. Dürr,
    Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of cyanine dyes IV. Solvent dependence of S1-state deactivation
    Exp. Techn. Phys. 35, 57-63 (1987)

  • K. Berndt, H. Dürr, K.-H. Feller,
    Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of cyanine dyes III. Structure dependence of fluorescence lifetimes
    Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. (Leipzig) 268, 250-256 (1987)

  • K.-H. Feller, D. Fassler, P. Hampe, K. Berndt, E. Klose, P. Schwarz,
    Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of cyanine dyes II. Ion-pair mechanism of fluorescence quenching
    Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. (Leipzig) 266, 2-8 (1985)

  • K. Berndt, E. Klose, P. Schwarz, K.-H. Feller, D. Fassler,
    Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of cyanine dyes I. Construction and testing of a phase-fluorometer with picosecond time resolution
    Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. (Leipzig) 265, 1079-1086 (1984)

  • K.-H. Feller, D. Fassler, P. Pancosca, K. Vacek,
    Time-resolved interaction investigation of carbocyanine dyes and chlorophyll A in solution
    Studia biophysica 94, 117-120 (1983)

  • V. Brückner, D. Fassler, K.-H. Feller, R. Gase,
    Pulse fluorometry of polymethine dyes by means of a Nd:YAG-laser/streak-camera system
    Exper. Techn. Phys. 31, 511-518 (1983)

  • I. Alig, K.-H. Feller, R. Säuberlich,
    Untersuchungen zur physikalischen Charakterisierung von Polyvinylalkohollösungen
    Acta Polymerica 31, 316-322 (1980)


  • Handbook of Biophotonics: Vol. 1: Basics and Techniques
    A. Voss A, K.-H. Feller, D. Beckmann
    Editors: J. Popp, V. V. Tuchin, A. Chiou, S. H. Heinemann,
    Wiley-VCH; 1. Auflage (2011) 6. Instruments in Biotechnology and Medicine, 345-488
  • Applications of Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy
    V. Brückner, K.-H. Feller, U.-W. Grummt
    Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,
    Vol. 66, ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS Amsterdam 1990


  • Trends and Progress in Applied Optical Spectroscopy
    Proc. of the Fourth Symposium Optical Spectroscopy,
    Eds.: D. Fassler, K.-H. Feller and B. Wilhelmi,
    TEUBNER-Texte zur Physik Vol. 13, BSB B.G. Teubner-Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig 1987
  • SOS-84 - Proceedings of the Third Symposium Optical Spectroscopy
    Eds.:D.Fassler, K.-H. Feller and B. Wilhelmi,
    TEUBNER-Texte zur Physik Vol. 4, BSB B.G. Teubner-Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig 1985