The GVK is a common library network of more than 1,000 academic libraries in several federal states of Germany. It offers the option to initiate an interlibrary loan directly via an Online interlibrary loan account.
The book or article you are looking for must not be available in any other library in Jena. Please make sure that this is not the case by searching for them in the ThULB Catalogue and the Catalogue of the Ernst-Abbe city library.
If you would like to initiate an interlibrary loan, please complete the interlibrary loan request form and hand it in at the lending desk.
You can order books, CDs, DVDs, maps and articles from journals or newspapers. All online resources such as eBooks and eJournals are excluded from lending.
The basic fee is 1.50 € per item.
If you order a copy of more than 20 pages, additional copy costs may apply.
Please pay in cash at the lending desk when you hand in your interlibrary loan form.
The delivery time depends on the respective library that sends the requested book or article. This usually takes around five days, but in exceptional cases it can take up to three weeks.
Once the ordered book or article has arrived, you will receive an e-mail notification as soon as it is ready to be picked up at our lending desk. You can obtain further information via your library account.
The length of the loan period depends on the lending library. Ordered books are usually available for four weeks, but not always.
The possibility to extend the loan period also depends on the lending library. Please contact the staff at the lending desk at least two days before the loan period ends. We will request an extension for you.
Would you like to place orders frequently? In this case we recommend to create your own interlibrary loan account. That way you are able to initiate interlibrary loans independently via the GVK.
How does this work?
1. Complete the registration form to apply for an interlibrary loan account
2. Hand in the printed form at the lending desk.
3. Top up your account with cash at the lending desk. Now you can order a book or article online.
Please note: To activate your account, at least 3 interlibrary loan orders must be paid in advance. From then on you can deposit money for as many interlibrary loans as you want.