Information on library use

In order to keep the corridors and escape routes free, we would advise you to lock your jackets and bags in the lockers opposite the lending desk. You can get a key for one of them by presenting your thoska at the lending desk.

Food and drink
To protect our library items, please only drink water from transparent plastic bottles and do not eat any food.

The library is meant to be a place for studying. Please be considerate of those around you and move quietly through the library. When talking to someone, please speak in a whisper.
We also ask you to refrain from making phone calls and to put your mobile device on silent mode.

Software & programs
The computers in our library are meant exclusively for academic purposes and are equipped with a browser, MS Office, Adobe Reader and Citavi.
Installing your own software is not permitted. If you have any questions, please contact our staff.

For insurance reasons, please only connect your electronic devices to the designated sockets at the workstations and not to the sockets on the floor.

Book trolleys
Please do not put books or other materials you used back on the shelves yourself, but simply place them on one of the book trolleys provided for this purpose.
Books that have been sort incorrectly are difficult to find and are usually lost.

Please note the general regulations on copyright, especially when copying or scanning our books, journals and other materials.
Further information can be found here: Urheberrecht in der Wissenschaft (German)