Prof. Dr. Christoph Koch
Professor for Technical and Environmental Chemistry
Phone: +49 3641 205 908
Room: 03.03.34
Consultation hours
in the current Semester | tuesdays, 10 to 11 o'clock and by arrangement by e-mail |
during the lecture-free period | by arrangement by e-mail |
Other functions
Head of the study programs "Environmental Engineering" and "Environmental Engineering and Development"
Member of the Examination Board of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Further information
Research focus:
- Environmental Chemistry
- Ecotoxicology
Selected projects:
- Thuriniga teaches and learns sustainably (ThüLeNa), funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation in the amount of 306,000€ (total budget 2,500,000€). Project duration 01.04.2024 bis 31.12.2027
- Digital journey through professional fields, funded by a Fellowship for Innovations in Digital University Teaching (Stifterverband & TMWWDG) in the amount of 30,008€. Project duration 01.10.2023 until 31.12.2024
- Creation of podcasts as a short learning objective backup of a lecture, funded by the eTeach Network Thuringia in the amount of 2850€. Project duration 01.04.2023 to 30.09.2023.
- Soil analysis of urban gardens in Thuringia using citizen science (BEST), funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation in the amount of 150,000€. Project duration 01.09.2022 to 31.12.2024 (
Laboratory equipment:
- Ion chromatograph with conductivity detector (IC)
- High performance liquid chromatograph with diode array detector (HPLC)
- Flame atomic absorption spectrometer with conitnuous light source (AAS)
- Spectrophotometer
- TOC and TNb analyzer
- Automatic compact titrator
- Mobile X-ray fluorescence detector
- Various devices for sample preparation (digestion microwave, cutting mill, etc.)
Current courses:
Module type | Module title | Level |
Mandatory module | Chemistry | Bachelor |
Mandatory module | Physical Chemistry | Bachelor |
Mandatory module | Environmental Chemistry | Bachelor |
Mandatory module | Analytical Chemistry | Bachelor |
Mandatory module | Environmental Analytics | Bachelor |
Selected Bachelor- & Master theses:
- Validation and verification of selected organochlorine pesticides using gas chromatography with subsequent EC detection
Bachelor thesis, February 2025 - Data Processing Methodology Development for the Analysis of Methanol-to-Olefin Products
Bachelor thesis, September 2024 - Occurrence and distribution of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in the bight and sea water
Bachelor thesis, September 2024 - Implementation of a method for the detection of microplastics in soil samples using the fluorescent marker Nile red
Bachelor thesis, August 2024 - Determination of selected heavy metals for the evaluation of the agricultural usability of filter pellets for biogas desulphurization
Bachelor thesis, July 2024 - Comparison of pottery granule and bamboo based activated carbon as adsorbent to remove lead in drinking water
Bachelor thesis, July 2024 - Microbial electrolysis cell: development and testing of a test rig
Bachelor thesis, July 2024 - Evaluation of the recovery of styrene from expanded polystyrene in thermal insulation composite systems by means of pyrolysis and subsequent distillation
Bachelor thesis, January 2024 - Fundamentals of one-step dimethyl ether synthesis using multifunctional catalyst systems
Bachelor thesis, October 2023 - Design of sustainable greywater treatment systems in Za’atari refugee camp, Jordan
Bachelor thesis, September 2023 - Fabrication and testing of Pd-Ag membranes for H2 separation on ceramic supports using electroless plating (ELP)
Bachelor thesis, July 2023 - Development of a sampling system for contaminant and gas analysis of feed and product gas streams in high temperature electrolysis plants
Bachelor thesis, June 2023 - Evaluation of process parameters for respiration experiments to characterize wastewater and its substreams
Bachelor thesis, February 2023 - Implementation of the TOP assay method for the visualization of a previously hidden fraction of PFAS
Bachelor thesis, November 2022
Instructions for the preparation of Bachelor's and Master's theses in the field of "Technical and Environmental Chemistry" can be downloaded HERE.
Note: Teaching materials can be found on our Moodle-Server.
Downloads of free teaching and learning materials:
- Structure galvanic cell:
- Treatment processes in mining:
- Ion formation:
- Soil formation and erosion:
- Double-slit experiment:
- Forms of radioactive radiation:
- Calorimeter:
- Dissolving process salts:
- Miller-Urey-Experiment:
- Millikan-Experiment:
- Nutrient loss due to acid rain:
- Flue Gas Desulfurization:
- Rutherford atomic structure using gold foil:
- Rutherford Atomic structure by means of radioactivity:
- Salts vs Metals:
- Acid-base titration:
- Stern-Gerlach-Experiment:
- Greenhouse effect:
- Uncertainty principle:
- Fluidized Bed Combustion:
Chemie erklärt:
Journal articles:
- Koch, C.; Peter, M.: Investigation of inorganic nutrients and pollutants in private gardens in central Germany using citizen science. Environmental Challenges 2025, 18, 101096. 10.1016/j.envc.2025.101096
- Ziemann, C.; Schulz, F.; Koch, C.; Solvang, M.; Bitsch, A.: Steps forward in toxicological in vitro screening of mineral wools considering morphology as an integrated part. Archives of Toxicology 2024, 98, 3949-3971. doi: 10.1007/s00204-024-03855-7
- Solvang, M.; Okhrimenko, D.V.; Koch, C.: Investigation of the occurrence of binder material on airborne respirable mineral wool fibres. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene 2023, 20, 240-253. doi: 10.1080/15459624.2023.2205470
- Smollich, E., Döbbeler, E., Müller-Geipiel, T., Stratmann, L., Koch, C., Merkus, V.I., Kostka, K., Okhrimenko, D.V., Solvang, M., Nachev, M., Zimmermann, S., Schmidt, T.C., Sures, B.: Assessment of acute and chronic ecotoxicological effects of aqueous eluates of stone wool insulation materials. Environmental Sciences Europe 2023, 35, 24. doi: 10.1186/s12302-023-00727-2
- Koch, C.; Okhrimenko, D.V.; Solvang, M.; Aznar, A.; Pezennec, E.; Chaudan, E.; Magrane Francesch, J.; Lindberg, P.; Herault, P.; Alami Badissi, A.: Comment on Critical Choices in Predicting Stone Wool Biodurability: Lysosomal Fluid Compositions and Binder Effects. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2021, 34, 1695-1696. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.1c00135
- Koch, C.; Alami Badissi, A.; Basketter, D.A.; McFadden, J.P.; White, J.R.: Comment on “Occupational psoriasis after exposure to rockwool”. Contact Dermatitis 2021, 84, 357-358. doi: 10.1111/cod.13791
- Koch, C.; Sures, B.: Degradation of brominated polymeric flame retardants and effects of generated decomposition products. Chemosphere 2019, 227, 329-333. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.04.052
- Koch, C.; Sures, B.: Ecotoxicological characterization of possible degradation products of the polymeric flame retardant “Polymeric FR” using algae and daphnia OECD tests. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 656, 101-107. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.207
- Koch, C.; Nachev, M.; Klein, J.; Köster, D.; Schmitz, O.J.; Schmidt, T.C.; Sures, B.: Response to comment on “Degradation of the polymeric brominated flame retardant “Polymeric FR” by heat and UV exposure”. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, 11058. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.9b03971
- Koch, C.; Nachev, M.; Klein, J.; Köster, D.; Schmitz, O.J.; Schmidt, T.C.; Sures, B.: Degradation of the polymeric brominated flame retardant “Polymeric FR” by heat and UV exposure. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, 1453-1462. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b03872
- Kresmann, S.; Arokia, H.R.; Koch, C.; Sures, B.: Ecotoxicological potential of the biocides terbutryn, octhilinone and methylisothiazolinone: Underestimated risk from biocidal pathways? Science of the Total Environment 2018, 625, 900-908. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.280
- Koch, C.; Sures, B.: Environmental Concentrations and Toxicology of 2,4,6-Tribromophenol. Environmental Pollution 2018, 233, 706-713. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.127
- Koch, C.; Dundua, A.; Aragon-Gomez, J.; Nachev, M.; Stephan, S.; Willach, S.; Ulbricht, M.; Schmitz, O.J.; Schmidt, T.C.; Sures, B.: Degradation of polymeric brominated flame retardants: Development of an analytical approach using PolyFR and UV irradiation. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 12912-12920. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04083
- Koch, C.; Schmidt-Kötters, T.; Rupp, R.; Sures, B.: Review of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) with a focus on legislation and recent publications concerning toxicokinetics and -dynamics. Environmental Pollution 2015, 199, 26-34. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.01.011
Contributions to collective works:
- Koch, C.: Vorgestellt: Professur für Technische Chemie und Umweltchemie, Fachbereich Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena. Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh): Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 4/2024, 164-165
- Houghton, C.; Koch, C.; Solvang, M.: Rock/Stone Wool (mineral wool). Patty’s Toxicology, Seventh Edition, September 2023. Wiley, New Jersey. doi: 10.1002/0471125474.tox152
- Koch, C.: Das Umweltverhalten von HBCD und daraus resultierende juristische Folgen. Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh): Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 4/2015, 113-115
Presentations at conferences:
- Ziemann, C.; Schulz, F.; Koch, C.; Solvang, M.; Bitsch, A.: Methodological approaches for toxicological in vitro screening of mineral wools using normal rat alveolar macrophages and mesothelial cells. 10th German Pharm-Tox Summit, Hannover, Germany, 25. - 28. March 2025
- Hundt, C, Koch, C., Leibbrandt, P.: Ingenieurwissenschaften und digitale Lehre: Chancen, Fallstricke und offene Fragen. eTeach Jahrestagung, Jena, Germany, 04. - 05. November 2024
- Koch, C.: Untersuchung anorganischer Schadstoffe in privaten Gärten Thüringens mittels Bürgerwissenschaften. Umwelt, Gießen, Germany, 08. - 11. September 2024
- Smollich, E., Döbbeler, E., Müller-Geipiel, T., Stratmann, L., Koch, C., Merkus, V.I., Okhrimenko, D.V., Solvang, M., Nachev, M., Zimmermann, S., Schmidt, T.C., Sures, B.: Assessment of acute and chronic ecotoxicological effects of aqueous eluates of stone wool insulation materials. SETAC Europe Jahrestagung, Dublin, Ireland, 01. Mai 2023
- Koch, C.: Bedeutung der Biolöslichkeit von Mineralwollefasern. Konferenz zum Thema Künstliche Mieralfasern - Mineralwolleabfälle (Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband, ÖWAV), Leoben, Austria, 04. November 2020
- Koch, C.: Mineral wool insulation and circular economy progress. Online Seminar of the United Nations: Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria, 21. October 2020
- Koch, C.: Toxicity of degradation products of the commercially used “Polymeric FR” following UV irradiation and heat. 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (DIOXIN 2018), Krakow, Poland, 26. - 31. August 2018
- Koch, C.: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol – Review regarding its environmental concentrations and toxicology. 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (DIOXIN 2017), Vancouver, Canada, 20. - 25. August 2017
- Koch, C.: Science and regulation of polymers: A look at PolyFR. The Science and Policy of Organohalogens in consumer products (Workshop prior to DIOXIN 2017) organized by Green Science Policy Institute, Berkley, California, 20. August 2017
- Koch, C.: Degradation of polymeric brominated flame retardants: Development of an analytical approach using PolyFR and UV irradiation. 8th International Symposium on Flame Retardants (BFR 2017), York, United Kingdom, 07. - 10. May 2017
- Koch, C.: Methodenentwicklung zur Bestimmung des Abbaus von polymeren bromierten Flammschutzmitteln am Beispiel von PolyFR und UV Strahlung. 21st SETAC Jahrestagung German Language Branch (GLB), Tübingen, Germany, 05. - 08. September 2016
- Koch, C.: Degradation of polymeric brominated flame retardants: Development of an analytical approach using PolyFR and UV irradiation. 36th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (DIOXIN 2016), Florence, Italy, 28. August - 02. September 2016
- Koch, C.: Hexabromocyclododecan (HBCD) - trotz Verbot weiterhin ein Risiko für die Zukunft? Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) - 2nd Forum Junger Umweltwissenschaftler, Blomberg, Germany, 22. - 24. June 2015
- Koch, C.: Review of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) with a focus on legislation and recent publications concerning toxicokinetics and -dynamics. 7th International Symposium on Flame Retardants (BFR 2015), Beijing, China, 21. - 24. April 2015
Posters at conferences:
- Koch, C.: Digitale Reise durch Berufsfelder. eTeach Jahrestagung, Jena, Germany, 04. - 05. November 2024
- Peter, M., Koch, C.: "Expedition Boden" – Gemeinsam den Boden in unseren Gemüsegärten untersuchen. Forum Citizen Sciece, Hamburg, Germany, 08. - 10. October 2024
- Koch, C.: Digitale Reise durch Berufsfelder. eTeach Dialogtag, Jena, Germany, 30. May 2024
- Peter, M.; Koch, C.: Expedition Boden: The Soil Expedition. European Citizen Science Conference (ECSA 2024), Wien, Austria, 03. - 06. April 2024
- Koch, C.: “Chemie erklärt” – ein Chemiepodcast zur Lernzielsicherung. eTeach Jahrestagung, Erfurt, Germany, 15. - 16. November 2023
- Okhrimenko, C.V.; Botner, J.A.; Riis, H.K.; Koch, C.; Solvang, M.: In vitro tests of stone wool fibres dissolution. 11thWorld Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Maastricht, Netherlands, 28.08. – 02. September 2021
- Koch, C.: Toxizität von Abbauprodukten des polymeren Flammschutzmittels „Polymeric FR“ nach Hitzebehandlung und UV-Bestrahlung. Umwelt 2018 - Jahrestagung SETAC German Language Branch (GLB) and Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), Münster, Germany, 09. - 12. September 2018
- Koch, C.: PolyFR - eine Chance für die Zukunft? Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) - 2nd Forum Junger Umweltwissenschaftler, Blomberg, Germany, 22. - 24. June 2015