Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Teichert

Welcome on my Homepage

On this page you will find extended personal information and information on lectures, internships and research topics.

Information about our capabilities in microstructure and elemental analysis can be found here.

1985 - 1990 Study of Physics (TU Dresden, TU Chemnitz, NTUU KPI Kiev)
1990 - 1996 Doctoral Thesis in Experimental Physics (TU Chemnitz)
1996 - 2001 Scientific Assistant  C1 (TU Chemnitz)
2001 - 2002 Development  Engineer GaAs surfaces (Freiberger Compound Materials)
2002 - 2005 Vice President Application & Marketing (Freiberger Compound Materials)
2005 - 2009 Principal Surface & Materials Analysis (Infineon/Qimonda Dresden)
2009 Head of Analytics (Fraunhofer Center Nanoelectronic Technologies Dresden)
since 09/2009 Professor for  Materials Analysis & Physics (Department SciTec, UAS Jena)
2013 - 2017 Dean of the Department SciTec
since 11/2017 President of the Univeristy of Applied Sciences Jena
Mail Address: EAH Jena
Postfach 100314
07703 Jena
Visiting Address: EAH Jena,
Fachbereich SciTec
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2
07745 Jena
Phone: +49 (0) 3641  205-100 / Fax: -101
Teaching: Physical Mterials Analysis, Surface Analysis, Physics, Solid State Physics
Consulting Time: contact me by email


The teaching documents can be found on our Moodle server.

  • Methodenentwicklung zur Kontaktwinkelmessung von nanostrukturierten Polymeroberflächen
    Fraunhofer IWM Halle
  • Correlative localized surface plasmon resonance and scanning electron microscopy - electron backscattered analysis on gold and silver nanoparticles
    EAH Jena / Innovent e.V., Jena 
  • Untersuchung zur Einflussnahme des Martensitgehalts auf die bainitische Umwandlung mittels röntgendiffraktometrischer Spannungsanalyse
    EAH Jena
  • Optimierung von Beschichtungsparametern für die Replikation optischer Gitter
    Zeiss, Jena


  • Physical materials analysis, particularly of surfaces, interfaces, thin films and bulk materials.
  • Materials for different application fields as e.g. thermoelectrics, micorelectronics (silicon and III/V based), optoelectroncis and photovoltaics. Experiences existing especially for metallic and semiconducting silicides, high-k films, and metals.
  • Preparation of thin films by sputtering, evaporation and molecular beam epitaxy.
  • Study of transport phenomena versus temperature, such as electrical and thermal conductivity, Hall effect and thermopower.

  • A. Bochmann, T. Reimann, T. Schulz, S. Teichert, J. Töpfer
    Transverse thermoelectric multilayer generator with bismuth-substituted calcium cobaltite: Design optimization through variation of tilt angle
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 2923.
  • T. Friedrich, A. Bochmann, J. Dinger, St. Teichert
    Application of the pattern matching approach for EBSD calibration and orientation mapping, utilising dynamical EBSP simulations
    Ultramicroscopy 184(B) (2018) 44.
  • Dongmei Liu, Christian Dreßler, Martin Seyring, Steffen Teichert, Markus Rettenmayr
    Reduced thermal conductivity of Bi-In-Te thermoelectric alloys in a eutectic lamellar structure
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 748 (2018) 730. 

A complete list of publications and important scientific lectures can be found here.

The main focus of the laboratories is dedicated to the analysis of the microstructure and elemental analysis.

An overview on the laboratory equipment in the department SciTec can be found here

  • Consulting for material analysis related issues and support for the experimental realization
  • Support for projects related to new materials of nanotechnology, particularly with application in microelectronics, photovotaics and thermoelectrics
  • Postgraduate professional training for physical materials analysis, especially for methods using electrons, ions and X-rays