We are happy to advise you and support you from the application to the realisation of your project:
- Selecting suitable financing and funding
- Support with the creation of the concept
- Placement of advisors and co-operation companies
- Processing the formalities
- Administrative project support
- Securing property rights
- Funding database

The EXIST start-up grant supports students, alumni and researchers from universities and non-university research institutions who want to realise their start-up idea and turn it into a business plan. The start-up projects should be innovative technology-orientated or knowledge-based projects with significant unique selling points and good prospects of economic success.
Who is supported?
- Researchers from public, non-profit-orientated
- non-university research institutions
- Universities
- Alumni and former academic staff (up to five years after graduation or retirement).
- Students who have completed at least half of their degree programme at the time of application.
- Start-up teams of up to three people.
- Teams consisting mainly of students will only be funded in exceptional cases.
- One of the up to three team members can also be funded if they have a qualified professional qualification as a technical employee or if one of the team members graduated more than five years ago.
- Team members do not have to be students or alumni of the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena.
What is funded?
Innovative start-up projects that
- involve technology-orientated products or knowledge-based services
- are based on scientific findings
- offer a high customer benefit
- address a large market
How is funding provided?
Securing personal living expenses via a grant:
- Founders with a doctorate: 3,000 euros/month
- Alumni with a university degree: 2,500 euros/month
- Technical employees: 2,000 euros/month
- Students: 1,000 euros/month
- Child allowance: 150 euros/month per child
- Coaching: up to 5,000 euros
The maximum funding period is one year.
What does the founder have to do?
- apply for funding via the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena start-up service
- attend a one-day seminar "Gründerpersönlichkeit" during the funding period
- present initial results of the start-up project after five months
- submit business plan after ten months
- take responsibility for paying taxes and social security contributions.
Is it possible to set up a company during the funding phase?
Yes, but it must not have already taken place at the beginning of the funding period.
Who submits the application?
The application can only be submitted via the university. Please contact the Ernst Abbe University's start-up service in good time.
When can the application be submitted?
The application can be submitted at any time via the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena. The earliest possible start of funding is approx. three months after submission of the documents to the project management organisation.
More information on the funding programme is available from the EAH start-up service or at

EXIST Transfer of Research supports outstanding research-based start-up projects that involve complex and high-risk development work. EXIST Transfer of Research consists of two funding phases
What is the aim of funding phase I?
The aim of the first funding phase of EXIST Transfer of Research is to carry out development work to prove technical feasibility, develop prototypes, draw up the business plan and finally found the company.
Who is supported in funding phase I?
Funding is available for research teams at universities and non-university research institutions (maximum of three researchers and technical assistants) and one person with business management expertise.
How is funding provided in funding phase I?
- EXIST Transfer of Research can be used to finance personnel expenses / costs for a maximum of four staff positions as well as material expenses / costs. Material expenses/costs include, for example, commodities, consumables, capital goods, industrial property rights, market research and the awarding of contracts and coaching measures. Student assistants can also be financed.
- The expenses/costs for student assistants and material expenses/costs are generally eligible for funding up to a total of €250,000.
- The funding period is generally up to 18 months. For highly innovative and demonstrably particularly time-consuming development projects, a funding period of up to 36 months may be granted with the express approval of the expert jury.
- In addition, the "Start-up team" seminar, which has proved its worth in the EXIST start-up grant programme, is also held for EXIST research transfer projects. Further information is available from the EAH Jena's start-up service.
What is the aim of funding phase II?
The aim of the funding is to support further development work, measures to start up business activities in the newly founded technology company and to create the conditions for external company financing.
Who is supported in funding phase II?
The target group is small technology-oriented corporations with a capital contribution of at least €25,000 that were founded during funding phase I, whereby the main know-how providers from funding phase I contribute their knowledge and labour to the new company and are represented by at least one person on the management board. Significantly more than 50% of the shares must be owned by the founders working in the company.
How is funding provided in funding phase II?
In funding phase II, a non-repayable grant of up to 180,000 euros, but no more than 75 per cent of the specific costs of the project, can be awarded. As a prerequisite for funding, the company must provide its own funds and, if necessary, equity capital in a ratio of 1:3 (up to 60,000 euros). The funding phase II should generally not exceed a period of 18 months.
More information on the funding programme is available from the EAH start-up service or at
Who is supported?
- Students, administrative staff, professors, lecturers, teaching assistants, laboratory staff or research assistants at the EAH Jena who are interested in founding a company
- Individuals or teams
What is funded?
Consultancy and in-kind services for the development of a prototype or proof-of-concept, e.g:
- Materials, materials or special parts
- Market research, feasibility studies
- Specialised consulting services
- Website development
Personnel expenses or funds to cover living expenses are not eligible for funding. Furthermore, it is not possible to pay out the amount of money. Procurement is carried out in consultation with the funding organisation.
How is funding provided?
- Budget for material and consulting expenses up to 7,500 euros
- Access to high-quality infrastructure
- Funding period of six months
All information at
The Erasmus cross-border exchange programme for young self-employed people offers new or prospective entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn from an experienced self-employed person who runs a small business in another participating country.
What is supported?
The mentoring of young self-employed persons by an already self-employed person is supported by the programme, provided that it is based on mutual interest, initiated by approved intermediaries, the requirements of the programme are met and the necessary contracts have been signed between all parties involved.Any sector of the private sector can participate in the programme. Self-employed persons participating in the programme must come from a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise.
Who is supported?
- Young self-employed persons are defined as self-employed persons who are in the start-up phase. This includes both future self-employed persons who are determined to set up their own business on the basis of a viable business plan. business plan, as well as self-employed persons who have recently set up a business (i.e. which has existed for a maximum of three years).(i.e. which has been in existence for a maximum of three years). Whether planned or already established is irrelevant - the business can be in any sector of the economy. New self-employed persons should be interested in contributing to the development of the host self-employed person's business, providing their own entrepreneurial skills and acquiring useful know-how for their own business. New self-employed persons must have a solid educational and professional background and a viable business idea. New self-employed people should also have vision, commitment, initiative and creativity. A new self-employed person applying to participate in the programme should also be able and willing to raise additional funds to cover the costs of the stay beyond what is covered by the EU grant.
- Visiting self-employed persons are successful and experienced self-employed persons (ideally owners of micro or small enterprises) or persons directly involved in the management at board level of SMEs. management at board level of SMEs that meet the EU definition of micro, small or medium-sized enterprises. Visiting self-employed persons want to pass on their entrepreneurial experience and benefit from the concrete contribution that a new self-employed person from another country can make to their company.Visiting self-employed people must commit to working with the new self-employed person to develop their entrepreneurial skills and abilities.
How is support provided?
The financial support for the new self-employed person is intended to contribute to the cost of travelling to and from the host country and to the cost of living (especially accommodation) during the visit.The financial support is paid by the placement centre to which the new self-employed person submitted their original application. The amount of financial support and the associated conditions are to be regulated in an agreement between the young self-employed person and the placement centre.
More information on the support programme is available from the EAH start-up service or at
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