The StartUpLab at the EAH Jena is a place for exchanging ideas, experimenting, working and learning. We offer you access to machines, equipment and tools for prototype development as well as office and meeting rooms. It has the following equipment, among others:
- Milling machine, laser cutting engraving system
- camera equipment, sewing machine, cutting plotter
- tools, soldering stations, oscilloscopes
- 3D scanner, 3D printer (SLA, FDM)
- Ultrasonic bath, sintering furnace
The Makerspace at the EAH Jena gives you the opportunity to turn technical ideas into prototype products. The fields of work on offer include
- Precision engineering
- 3D printing
- Microcontroller technology
- electronics
Space and infrastructure
We provide subsidised start-up projects with free workstations with office infrastructure as well as meeting and seminar rooms. In consultation with your mentor, you can use the respective laboratories and research areas for the further development of your start-up in Jena.
- The handbook for start-ups : step by step to a successful company / Steve Blank & Bob Dorf
- Felix Thönnessen: "Start-up workbook: The 7-step programme", Redline, 240 pages
- Bill Aulet: "Startup mit System: In 24 Schritten zum erfolgreichen Entrepreneur", O'Reilly, 366 pages
- Felix Plötz: "Das 4-Stunden-Startup: Wie Sie Ihre Träume verwirklichen, ohne zu kündigen", Econ, 256 pages
- Martin Gaedt: "Rock Your Idea. Change the world with ideas", Murmann Verlag, 288 pages
- Matthew Mockridge, Bill Mockridge: "Dein nächstes großes Ding: Gute Ideen aus dem Nichts entwickeln", GABAL, 264 pages
- Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, Braden Kowitz: "Sprint: How to test ideas and solve problems in just five days", Redline, 256 pages
- Mario Herger: "The Silicon Valley Mindset: What we can learn from the innovation world champion and combine with our strengths", Plassen Verlag, 400 pages
- Steve Blank, Bob Dorf, Nils Högsdal, Daniel Bartel: "Das Handbuch für Startups", O'Reilly Verlag, 368 pages
- Mike Rohde: "The Sketchnote Handbook: The illustrated guide to creating visual notes", mitp, 210 pages
- Patrick Stähler: "Das Richtige gründen. Toolbox for entrepreneurs hardback edition", Murmann Verlag, 208 pages
- Christoph Warmer, Sören Weber: "Mission: Startup", Springer Gabler, 308 pages
- Thorsten Reiter: "Start Up - Jetzt!: Endlich loslegen und es richtig machen", Campus Verlag, 256 pages
- Jeff Walker: "Launch: How to get started online with your business idea", books4success, 272 pages
- Felix Thönnessen: "Erfolgreich Unternehmen gründen Taschenbuch", Redline Verlag, 264 pages
- Günter Faltin: "We are the capital. Recognise the entrepreneur in you. Towards a more intelligent economy", Murmann Verlag
To borrow any of the above books, please contact us.
Contact us
Tatzendpromenade 2
Bau88 10. Etage