Scientific papers can be published in the following ways:
- Open Access
- Closed Access: A scientifitcwork is published by a publisher, while the costs for reading and access rights are payed by university libraries, for example. The university press of the University of Applied Sciences Jena offers this form of publication.
Open Access
Open Access enables unrestricted and free access to scientific literature. There are several models:
- Gold Open Access (“The Golden Way”)
An open access book or article gets published first/for the first time in a purely open access journal. - Green Open Access (“The Green Way”)
The secondary publication of an essay or book as open access on university servers. - Hybrid Open Access
First publication of an article as open access in a closed access journal.
In the majority of cases, there are costs associated with open access publishing. In some cases, subscription costs are converted into publication costs.
Further information on the subject of Open Access can be found at
Open Access at the University of Applied Sciences Jena
Would you like to publish your work, e.g. a scientific article, using Open Access?
The University of Applied Sciences Jena supports university members with various funding options.
The university library's participation in the DEAL agreement with the publishers Springer and Wiley enables open access publications in journals from both publishers
There are further funding options if you would like to publish with other providers.
The Service Centre for Research and Transfer (SZT) and the library will be happy advice you. Further information on the topic can also be found at

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) lists high-quality open access journals with peer review procedures. Here you can find Open Access journals suitable for your field.
Items that should be taken into account regarding the scientific quality of publications and journals are well summarized on Think.Check.Submit.
University press
Authors of the University of Applied Sciences Jena can have their publications published and distributed by the university press.
Our services:
- Allocation of ISBN/ISSN for publications of our university
- Undertake of the legal obligation to submit obligatory copies to the German National Library and the Thuringian University and State Library Jena (ThULB)
- Entry in the Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher (VLB) (the directory of deliverable books in Germany)
- Consultations on the publication's standardised layout
- If requested, information regarding implementation can be provided.