Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Ploss

- 1955 Born in Calw, Germany; Parents: Karl and Luise Ploss; Married with Dr. rer. nat. Beatrix Ploss, daughter Lydia Luise
Academic Qualifications
- 1997 Habilitation in Physik (Privatdozent); Universität Karlsruhe
- 1987 Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.); Fakultät für Physik, Universität Karlsruhe
- 1981 Diplom in Physik (Dipl.-Phys.); Fakultät für Physik, Universität Karlsruhe
Professional History
- 2001 to now Professor; Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, FB SciTec
- 1999 to 2001 Associate Professor; Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 1997 to 1999 Senior Research Fellow; Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- in 1996 Senior Research Fellow (for 1 month); Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- in 1996 Professeur invite (for 3 months); Laboratoire Materiaux et Genie Physique, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Physique de Grenoble
- 1982 to 1997 Wiss. Angestellter, wiss. Assistent; Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Karlsruhe
- 1980 to 1982 Soft- and Hardware Developer; Independent
Honorary Activities
- 2007 to now Editorial Board; Integrated Ferroelectrics
- 2000 Technical Programme Chair; 3rd Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics, Hong Kong
- 1995 to 1998 Chairman, association "Dielectric Materials"; Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Department of Applied Physics - Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Department of Applied Physics
Prof. Okamura's Group - Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research, Tokyo, Japan
- Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Puttaparthi, India
Department of Physics - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Materials Research Centre (MRC) - Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand
- Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand
Faculty of Science - MacQuarie University, Sydney, Australia
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Photonics Research Centre
Master course
Scientific Instrumentation:
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Ronny Gerbach
Lehre / Teaching
- Solid State Physics
- Materials for Sensors and Electronics
- Theoretische Physik
- Physikalische Messtechnik
Please find the most recent versions of lecture slides and lab instructions in the Moodle platform.
Forschung / Research
- B. Ploss, D. Smykalla, and S. Engel,
Structure and ferroelectric properties of P(VDF-TrFE) films prepared under different conditions - Effect of filtration of the copolymer solution,
J. Adv. Dielect. 13, 2341006 (2023). - D. Smykalla, B. Ploss, D.C. Meyer, M. Stelter, and S. Engel,
Measuring 3D pyroelectric distributions with high resolution in thin films by a laser scanning microscope,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 023703 (2023). - T. Raman Venkatesan, D. Smykalla, B. Ploss, M. Wübbenhorst, and R. Gerhard,
Tuning the Relaxor–Ferroelectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride–trifluoroethylene–chlorofluoroethylene) Terpolymer Films by Means of Thermally Induced Micro- and Nanostructures,
Macromolecules 55(13), 5621-5635 (2022). - T. Raman Venkatesan, D. Smykalla, B. Ploss, M. Wübbenhorst, and R. Gerhard,
Nonlinear Dielectric Spectroscopy of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Films for Non-Volatile Memory Applications,
2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), 269-272 (2022). - T. Raman Venkatesan, D. Smykalla, B. Ploss, M. Wübbenhorst, and R. Gerhard,
Non-Linear Dielectric Spectroscopy for Detecting and Evaluating Structure-Property Relations in a P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Relaxor-Ferroelectric Terpolymer,
Appl. Phys. A 127, 756 (2021). - H.F. Wong, S.M. Ng, W. Zhang, Y.K. Liu, P.K.J. Wong, C.S. Tang, K.K. Lam, X.W. Zhao, Z.G. Meng, L.F. Fei, W.F. Cheng, D. von Nordheim, W.Y. Wong, Z.R. Wang, B. Ploss, J.-Y. Dai, C.L. Mak, A.T.S. Wee, and C.W. Leung,
Modulating Magnetism in Ferroelectric Polymer-Gated Perovskite Manganite Films with Moderate Gate Pulse Chains,
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12(50), 56541-56548 (2020). - T.R. Venkatesan, M. Wübbenhorst, B. Ploss, X. Qiu, T. Nakajima, T. Furukawa, and R. Gerhard,
The Mystery Behind the Mid-Temperature Transition(s) in Vinylidenefluoride-based Homo-, Co- and Terpolymers - Has the Puzzle Been Solved?,
IEEE Trans. on Diel. and El. Ins. 27, 1446-1464 (2020). - D. Smykalla and B. Ploss,
Development of polarisation profiles in VDF-TrFE copolymer bilayer of molar ratio 70/30 and 56/44 during thermal depolarization,
17th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 17) Book of Abstracts, 64 (Limerick 2019). - D. Smykalla, D. von Nordheim, and B. Ploss,
Impact of static electric fields on the temperature dependent polarization of VDF-TrFE copolymer film,
2019 ISAF-ICE-EMF-IWPM-PFM Joint Conference Book of Abstracts, 69, TuORiii2A.5 (Lausanne 2019). - I. Konovalov and B. Ploss,
Modeling of hot carrier solar cell with semi-infinite energy filtering,
Solar Energy 185, 59–63 (2019). - S. Engel, D. Smykalla, B. Ploss, S. Gräf, and F.A. Müller,
Polarization Properties and Polarization Depth Profiles of (Cd:Zn)S/P(VDF-TrFE) Composite Films in Dependence of Optical Excitation,
Polymers 10, 1205, 1-18 (2018). - H.F. Wong, S.M. Ng, Y.K. Liu, K.K. Lam, K.H. Chan, W.F. Cheng, D. von Nordheim, C.L. Mak, B. Ploss, and C.W. Leung,
Gate-controlled Transport Properties in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor (Zn, Mn)O Thin Films,
IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, 54(11), 4200104, 1-4 (2018). - H. Wong, S. Ng, Y. Liu, K. Lam, K. Chan, W. Cheng, D. von Nordheim, C. Mak, B. Ploss, and C. Leung,
Ionic Liquid Gating Modulation of Diluted Magnetic Semicon-ductor (Zn, Mn)O Thin Films,
IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG) (Singapore 2018). - S. Engel, D. Smykalla, B. Ploss, S. Gräf, and F.A. Müller,
Effect of (Cd:Zn)S Particle Concentration and Photoexcitation on the Electrical and Ferroelectric Properties of (Cd:Zn)S/P(VDF-TrFE) Composite Films,
Polymers, 9, 650, 1-12 (2017). - H.F. Wong, S.M. Ng, W.F. Cheng, Y. Liu, X. Chen, D. v. Nordheim, C.L. Mak, J. Dai, B. Ploss, and C.W. Leung,
Enhanced tunability of electrical and magnetic properties in (La,Sr)MnO3 thin films via field-assisted oxygen vacancy modulation,
Solid State Electronics, 138, 56-61 (2017). - D. Smykalla, S. Karnati, and B. Ploss,
Polarisation profiles in VDF-TrFE copolymer bilayers of molar ratio 70/30 and 56/44,
16th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 16) Proceedings, 167 (Leuven 2017). - D. v. Nordheim and B. Ploss,
Change in the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition order in P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer ultra-thin films,
16th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 16) Proceedings, 103 (Leuven 2017). - S. Engel, D. Smykalla, B. Ploss, S. Gräf, and F.A. Müller,
Influence of photoexcitation on the ferroelectric behaviour of ferroelectric-semiconductor-composites,
16th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 16) Proceedings, 85 (Leuven 2017). - D. v. Nordheim, A. Austin, B. Ploss, and K.-H. Chew,
Ferroelectric Properties of Polymeric Bilayer Systems,
IEEE Trans. on Diel. and El. Ins., 23, 129-133 (2016). - S. Hahne and B. Ploss,
Numerical simulation of frequency-dependent nonlinear interfacial polarization in electrolytes with blocking electrodes,
IEEE Trans. on Diel. and El. Ins., 22, 1415-1418 (2015). - S. Hahne and B. Ploss,
Numerical simulation of ion distribution in polymer electrolytes with blocking electrodes,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39, 2971-2976 (2014). - D. v. Nordheim, S. Hahne, and B. Ploss,
Polarisation readout and determination of Landau parameters of VDF-TrFE thin films from dielectric nonlinearities,
Ferroelectrics 453, 122–126 (2013). - D. v. Nordheim, S. Koch, B. Ploss, and S. Okamura,
Retention of thin ferroelectric VDF–TrFE copolymer films evaluated from dielectric non–linearities,
Joint IEEE-International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials (PFM) Proceedings, 208-210 (Prague 2013). - Y.B. Yao, C.L. Mak, and B. Ploss,
Phase transitions and electrical characterizations of (K0.5 Na0.5)2x(Sr0.6Ba0.4)5-xNb10O30 (KNSBN) ceramics with 'unfilled' and 'filled' tetragonal tungsten-bronze (TTB) crystal structure,
J. Euro. Ceram. Soc. 32(16), 4353-4361 (2012). - D. v. Nordheim, S. Hahne, and B. Ploss,
Nonlinear Dielectric Properties and Polarization in Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Thin Films,
IEEE Trans. on Diel. and El. Ins. 19, 1175-1180 (2012). - Y. Yao, W. Liu, Y. Chan, C. Leung, C. Mak, and B. Ploss,
Studies of Rare-Earth-Doped BiFeO3 Ceramics,
Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol. 8, 1246–1253 (2011). - M. Krause, I. Graz, S. Bauer-Gogonea, S. Bauer, B. Ploss, M. Zirkl, B. Stadlober, and U. Helbig,
PbTiO3–P(VDF-TrFE)–nanocomposites for pressure and temperature sensitive skin,
Ferroelectrics 419, 23-27 (2011). - D. v. Nordheim, S. Hahne, and B. Ploss,
Nonlinear dielectric properties and polarization in ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer thin films,
14th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 14) Proceedings, 57-58 (Montpellier 2011). - S. Hahne, K. Yoshida, T. Furukawa, and B. Ploss,
Nonlinear conductivity of ion complexed polyethylene oxide,
10th IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), Proceedings (Potsdam 2010), 394-397. - Y. Yao, B. Ploss, C.L. Mak, and K.H. Wong,
Pyroelectric properties of BiFeO3 ceramics prepared by a modified solid-state-reaction method,
Applied Physics A, 99(1), 211-216 (2010). - I. Graz, M. Krause, S. Bauer-Gogonea, S. Bauer, S.P. Lacour, B. Ploss, M. Zirkl, B. Stadlober, S. Wagner,
Flexible active-matrix cells with selectively poled bifunctional polymer-ceramic nanocomposite for pressure and temperature sensing skin,
J. Appl. Phys. 106(3), 034503-5 (2009). - B. Ploss, Y. Takahashi, and T. Furukawa,
In-plane homogeneity of polarization in thin VDF-TrFE copolymer films,
13th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 13) Proceedings, 96 (Tokyo 2008). - M. Krause, N. Gaar, R. Schwödiauer, S. Bauer-Gogonea, S. Bauer, B. Ploss, I. Graz, S.P. Lacour, M. Zirkl, B. Stadlober, J.-Z. Chen, and S. Wagner,
PbTiO3/P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposites for flexible skin,
13th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 13) Proceedings, 95 (Tokyo 2008). - B. Ploss and M. Krause,
Optimized pyroelectric properties of 0-3 composites of PZT particles in polyurethane doped with lithium perchlorate,
IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr. 54, 2479-2481 (2007). - S. Bauer-Gogonea, F. Camacho-Gonzalez, R. Schwödiauer, B. Ploss, and S. Bauer,
Nonlinear capacitance dilatometry for investigating elastic and electromechanical properties of ferroelectrets,
Applied Physics Letters 91, 122901-3 (2007). - B. Ploss and M. Krause,
Optimized pyroelectric 0-3 composite of PZT particles in doped polyurethane,
16th International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF XVI) Proceedings 818-820 (Nara 2007). - B. Ploss and M. Krause,
Doped polymers as matrix materials for ferroelectric composites,
Ferroelectrics 358, 77-84 (2007). - Bernd Ploss, Beatrix Ploss, and F.G. Shin,
A general formula for the effective pyroelectric coefficient of composites,
IEEE Trans. on Diel. and El. Ins. 13, 1170-1176 (2006). - B. Ploss and S. Kopf,
Improving the pyroelectric coefficient of ceramic/polymer composite by doping the polymer matrix,
Ferroelectrics 338, 145-151 (2006). - B. Ploss, Y.W. Wong, and F.G. Shin,
Pyroelectric ceramic/polymer composite with electrically conducting matrix material,
Ferroelectrics 325, 165-169 (2005). - K.H. Chew, F.G. Shin, B. Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Pyroelectric properties of ferroelectric 0-3 composites near matrix transition temperature,
Ferroelectrics 325, 151-154 (2005). - S. Bauer, S. Bauer-Gogonea, Beatrix Ploss and Bernd Ploss,
Nonlinear dielectric response of poled amorphous polymer dipole glasses,
J. Non-Crystalline Solids 351, 2759-2763 (2005). - Bernd Ploss, Beatrix Ploss, S. Kopf and F.G. Shin,
The pyroelectric coefficient of composites,
12th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 12) Proceedings, 487-501 (Salvador, Brasilien 2005). - Y.T. Or, C.K. Wong, B. Ploss, and F.G. Shin,
Modeling of poling, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric properties of ferroelectric 0-3 composites,
J. Appl. Phys. 94, 3319-3325 (2003). - K.-H. Chew, F.G. Shin, B. Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Primary and secondary pyroelectric effects of ferroelectric 0-3 composites,
J. Appl. Phys. 94, 1134-1145 (2003). - Y.T. Or, C.K. Wong, B. Ploss, and F.G. Shin,
Polarization behavior of ferroelectric multilayered composite structures,
J. Appl. Phys. 93, 4112-4119 (2003). - J.K. Krüger, C. Fischer, J. Baller, A. le Coutre, W. Manglkammer, P. Damman, B. Ploss, and R. Hempelmann,
Surface Induced Order in Organic and Anorganic Materials on Nano-Structured Poly-tetrafluoroethylene,
in Frontiers in Science and Technology, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 2, Ed.: V.A. Stefan (The Stefan University Press, La Jolla, 2002), pp. 111-148. - B. Ploss,
The resolution of thermal profiling techniques,
11th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 11) Proceedings, 177-180 (Melbourne 2002). - Y.T. Or, B. Ploss, F.G. Shin, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Poling of ferroelectric PT/P(VDF-TrFE) 0-3 composite,
Integrated Ferroelectrics 47, 19-28 (2002). - R. Zeng, K.W. Kwok, B. Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, C.L. Choy, and H.M. Zeng,
The non-isothermal crystallization and Curie transition behavior of PZT/P(VDF-TrFE)70/30 0-3 composites,
Acta Polymerica Sinica 5, 613-617 (2001). - V.C. Lo, Bernd Ploss, and H.L.W. Chan (eds.),
Proceedings of the Third Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity (AMF-3) - Parts I to VI of VI Parts, Guest Editorial,
Ferroelectrics 259 to 264 (2001). - R. Zeng, K.E. Kwok, Bernd Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, C.L. Choy, and H.M. Zeng,
Piezoelectric properties of samarium-modified lead titanate/polymer 0-3 composites,
Ferroelectrics 264, 51-56 (2001). - C.H. Tsang, Beatrix Ploss, Bernd Ploss, and F.G. Shin,
Simulation of the poling of P(VDF-TrFE) with ferroelectric electrodes based on the Preisach model,
Ferroelectrics 259, 139-144 (2001). - Bernd Ploss, W.M. Fung, H.L.W. Chan and C.L. Choy,
Pyroelectric sensors with reduced vibration sensitivity,
Ferroelectrics 263, 229-234 (2001). - Bernd Ploss, Beatrix Ploss, F.G. Shin, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Nonlinear dielectric permittivity of PT/PVDF-TrFE composites,
Ferroelectrics 264, 9-14 (2001). - Bernd Ploss, W.Y. Ng, H.L.W. Chan, Beatrix Ploss, and C.L. Choy,
Poling study of PZT/P(VDF-TrFE) composites,
Composites Sci. Technol. 48, 957-962 (2001). - Q.Q. Zhang, H.L.W. Chan, Bernd Ploss, and C.L. Choy,
PCLT/P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposite pyroelectric sensors,
IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr. 48, 154-160 (2001). - W.Y. Ng, Bernd Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, F.G. Shin, and C.L. Choy,
Pyroelectric properties of PZT/(PVDF-TrFE) composites,
International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF 2000) Proceedings, 767-770 (Honolulu 2000). - Beatrix Ploss, Bernd Ploss, F.G. Shin, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Internal fields in PT/PVDF-TrFE 0-3 Composites,
International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF 2000) Proceedings, 301-304 (Honolulu 2000). - Q.Q. Zhang, Bernd Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Integrated pyroelectric array based on PCLT/P(VDF-TrFE) composite,
Sensors and Actuators A 86, 216-219 (2000). - Bernd Ploss, Beatrix Ploss, F.G. Shin, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Pyroelectric activity of ferroelectric PT/(PVDF-TrFE) composites,
IEEE Trans. on Diel. and El. Ins. 7, 517-522 (2000). - Beatrix Ploss, Bernd Ploss, F.G. Shin, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Pyroelectric or piezoelectric compensated ferroelectric composites,
Applied Physics Letters 76, 2776-2778 (2000). - Bernd Ploss and Beatrix Ploss,
Dielectric Nonlinearity of PVDF-TrFE Copolymer,
Polymer 41, 6087-6093 (2000). - Bernd Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, Y.W. Wong, and C.L. Choy,
Determination of polarization profiles in P(VDF-TrFE) films with LIMM and LITP,
10th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 10) Proceedings, 269-272 (Delphi 1999).
Beatrix Ploss, Bernd Ploss, F.G. Shin, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Poling of Ferroelectric Composites,
10th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 10) Proceedings, 489-492 (Delphi 1999). - Q.Q. Zhang, H.L.W. Chan, Bernd Ploss, Q.F. Zhou and C.L. Choy,
Dielectric and pyroelectric properties of PCaT/P(VDF-TrFE) 0-3 composite thin films,
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 254, 118-122 (1999). - Bernd Ploss,
Pyroelectric and nonlinear dielectric properties of copolymers of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene,
in Low and high dielectric constant materials and their applications, Vol. 2, Ed.: H.S. Nalwa (Academic Press, San Diego, 1999), pp. 209-287. - J. Lindner, F. Weiss, J.P. Senateur, B. Ploss, L. Hubert-Pfalzgraf, and S. Daniele,
Microstructure of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 layers obtained by injection MOCVD,
J. de Physique IV 8 (P9), 247-250 (1998). - P.B. Kirby, R.V. Wright, P. Gaucher, P. Galtier, L. Kofoed, J.O. Gullov, W. v. Münch, D. Eichner, B. Ploss, and J.K. Krüger,
Report on Brite-EuRam project sensors and mechatronic devices using ferroelectric thin films SEMDEFT,
J. de Physique IV 8 (P9), 161-169 (1998). - Beatrix Ploss, Bernd Ploss, F.G. Shin, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Separate poling of inclusions and matrix in PT/P(VDF-TrFE) 0-3 composites,
11th International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF XI) Proceedings, 299-302 (Montreux 1998). - Bernd Ploss, W. Hässler, H. Hülz, and G. Köbernik,
Investigation of the polarization depth distribution of PZT thick films by LIMM,
11th International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF XI) Proceedings, 207-210 (Montreux 1998). - Bernd Ploss, Beatrix Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy,
Second order dielectric permittivity of PT/P(VDF-TrFE) 0-3 composites,
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 32, S280-S282 (1998). - Beatrix Ploss and Bernd Ploss,
Phenomenological and microscopical description of the nonlinear dielectric permittivities of P(VDF-TRFE),
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 32, S1084-S1086 (1998). - W. Haessler, H. Huelz, and Bernd Ploss,
Influence of the microstructure on the surface potential of ferroelectric thick films,
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 32, S1116-S1118 (1998). - Beatrix Ploss and Bernd Ploss,
Influence of poling and annealing on the nonlinear dielectric permittivities of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers,
IEEE Trans. on Diel. and El. Ins. 5, 91-95 (1998). - F. Weiss, J. Lindner, J.-P. Senateur, B. Ploss, B. Ploss, L. Hubert-Pfalzgraf, and S. Daniele,
Deposition of BaTiO3 layers by injection MOCVD,
Fourteenth International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD XIV) and EUROCVD-11, Proceedings, 1013-1019 (Paris, 1997). - J.K. Krüger, B. Heydt, C. Fischer, J. Baller, R. Jiménez, K.-P. Bohn, B. Servet, P. Galtier, M. Pavel, Bernd Ploss, M. Beghi, and C. Bottani,
Surface induced organization of linear molecules on nanostructured polytetrafluoroethylene: Crystalline state of poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene),
Phys. Rev. B 55, 3497-3506 (1997). - W. Haessler, H. Huelz, J. Edelmann, and Bernd Ploss,
Characterization of the surface potential of PZT-films for an electrostatic printing process,
10th International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF 10) Proceedings, 347-350 (East Brunswick 1996). - S.N. Fedosov, Bernd Ploss, G. Eberle, and W. Eisenmenger,
Polarization profiles in P(VDF-TFE) copolymer studied by PPS and LIMM methods,
9th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 9) Proceedings, 278 (Shanghai 1996). - Bernd Ploss, H.L.W. Chan, K.W. Kwok, and C.L. Choy,
Resonance characteristics and polarization profile of partially poled P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer,
9th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 9) Proceedings, 279-284 (Shanghai 1996). - Bernd Ploss and Beatrix Ploss,
Poling of polymer films with ferroelectric electrodes,
9th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 9) Proceedings, 836-841 (Shanghai 1996). - Beatrix Ploss and Bernd Ploss,
Persistent non-switchable polarization in P(VDF-TrFE) films,
9th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 9) Proceedings, 328-333 (Shanghai 1996). - Bernd Ploss and Beatrix Ploss,
Poling of P(VDF-TrFE) with ferroelectrically applied dielectric displacement,
Ferroelectrics 184, 107-116 (1996). - B. Ploss, D. Lienhard, and F. Sieber,
Thermal simulation of micromachined bridges for integrated pyroelectric sensor arrays,
Microelectronic Engineering 29, 75-78 (1995). - D. Lienhard, F. Heepmann, and B. Ploss,
Thin nickel films as absorbers in pyroelectric sensor arrays,
Microelectronic Engineering 29, 101-104 (1995). - B. Ploss and C. Albrecht,
Anisotropic thermal diffusivity of thin polymer films: Determination with a laser scanning microscope,
Ferroelectrics 165, 171-185 (1995). - D. Lienhard and B. Ploss,
A matrix formalism for the simulation of pyroelectric sensors,
J. Appl. Phys. 77, 5426-5433 (1995). - B. Heiler and B. Ploss,
Dielectric nonlinearities of P(VDF-TrFE),
8th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 8) Proceedings, 662-667 (Paris 1994). - B. Ploss and O. Bianzano,
Polarization profiling of the surface region of PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE),
8th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 8) Proceedings, 206-211 (Paris 1994). - B. Ploss and A. Domig,
Static and dynamic pyroelectric properties of PVDF,
Ferroelectrics 159, 263-268 (1994). - B. Ploss,
Probing of pyroelectric distributions from thermal wave and thermal pulse measurements,
Ferroelectrics 156, 345-350 (1994). - B. Heiler and B. Ploss,
Determination of small bias fields in TGS using dielectric nonlinearities,
Ferroelectrics 156, 285-290 (1994). - D. Lienhard, S. Nitschke, B. Ploss, W. Ruppel, and W. v. Münch,
The optimization of low cost integrated pyroelectric sensor arrays,
Sensors and Actuators A 41-42, 553-557 (1994). - W. v. Münch, M. Nägele, G. Wöhl, B. Ploss, and W. Ruppel,
A 3x3 pyroelectric detector array with improved sensor technology,
Sensors and Actuators A 41-42, 156-160 (1994). - W. v. Münch, M. Nägele, G. Wöhl, B. Ploss, W. Ruppel, F. Heepmann, and D. Lienhard,
Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines pyroelektrischen Arrays mit integrierter Ausleseschaltung,
PTB-Bericht F-12 Fertigungsmeßtechnik, ISBN 3-89429-454-X, 160-178 (Braunschweig 1994). - S. Bauer, S. Bauer-Gogonea, W. Becker, R. Fettig, B. Ploss, W. Ruppel, and W. von Münch,
Thin metal films as absorbers for infrared sensors,
Sensors and Actuators A 37-38, 497-501 (1993). - W. v. Münch, M. Nägele, M. Rinner, G. Wöhl, B. Ploss, and W. Ruppel,
P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer films for the fabrication of pyroelectric arrays,
Sensors and Actuators A 37-38, 365-369 (1993). - B. Ploss, R. Emmerich, and S. Bauer,
Thermal wave probing of pyroelectric distributions in the surface region of pyroelectric materials - a new method for the analysis,
J. Appl. Phys. 72, 5363-5370 (1992). - B. Ploss and B. Heiler,
Dielectric nonlinearity of TGS,
Proceedings 20th Spring Conference on Ferroelectricity, 103-107 (Güntersberge 1992). - S. Bauer and B. Ploss,
Design and properties of a microcalorimeter,
IEEE Trans. on El. Ins. 27, 861-866 (1992). - S. Bauer, R. Fettig, and B. Ploss,
Dünne Metallfilme als Absorber in Infrarotsensoren,
Phys. Blätter 48, 283-284 (1992). - S. Bauer, S. Bauer-Gogonea, and B. Ploss,
The physics of pyroelectric infrared devices,
Appl. Phys. B 54, 544-551 (1992). - R. Emmerich, S. Bauer, and B. Ploss,
Temperature distribution in a film heated with a laser spot: theory and measurement,
Appl. Phys. A 54, 334-339 (1992). - M. Schenk, S. Bauer, T. Lessle, and B. Ploss,
Dielectric spectroscopy on ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE),
Ferroelectrics 127, 215-220 (1992). - R. Ruf, S. Bauer, and B. Ploss,
The ferroelectric phase transition of P(VDF-TrFE) polymers,
Ferroelectrics 127, 209-214 (1992). - S. Bauer and B. Ploss,
Design and properties of a pyroelectric microcalorimeter,
7th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 7) Proceedings, 911-916 (Berlin 1991). - B. Heiler, T. Lessle, S. Bauer, and B. Ploss,
Measurement of the isothermal and adiabatic dielectric constant of TGS,
7th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 7) Proceedings, 681-686 (Berlin 1991). - R. Emmerich, S. Bauer, and B. Ploss,
Pyroelectric effects in PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE),
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