Studying with a child
Studying with a child is often not an easy task. It is difficult to reconcile studying, childcare and often also making a living. It requires a great deal of improvisation and organisational talent! Anyone who starts studying at Ernst Abbe University with a child or has a child in the course of their studies has many questions.
- Care of the child(ren)
- Financial support
- Framework of the study
We are happy to support you on your way through your studies! The Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena, the Friedrich Schiller University and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen have been working closely together for a very long time to find answers to a wide range of questions.
Maternity leave for students
Since 1 January 2018, the regulations of the Maternity Protection Act also apply to female students. As an educational institution, Ernst Abbe University Jena is responsible for compliance with the protective regulations during pregnancy, after childbirth and during breastfeeding.
Overview of the most important changes
Information from the university: In order for the university to comply with the maternity protection regulations, pregnant students should inform the university about their pregnancy. Students should contact the Student Secretariat, House 1, ground floor, Room 10.
Risk assessment: During studies, potential hazards to the health of mother and child can arise, e.g. when working in laboratories and workshops or when handling hazardous substances. For students who wish to continue their studies during pregnancy, after childbirth and/or breastfeeding, a risk assessment must therefore be carried out by the university. For this purpose, please contact the head of your degree programme (please enquire at the Dean's Office) and Mr. Hellfritsch/Specialist for Occupational Safety (
Participation in examinations: Students are exempt from taking part in studies and examinations during the maternity protection period (6 weeks before the date of delivery and 8 weeks after the birth, 12 weeks in the case of premature and multiple births and children with disabilities). However, at the express wish of the student, it is still possible to complete study and examination work within the maternity protection period, including within the postnatal protection period. An explicit declaration is required for this, which can be revoked at any time prior to the examination.
Study-related work between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. and on Sundays and public holidays: The Maternity Protection Act prohibits female employees from working between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. and on Sundays and public holidays. Female students are also allowed to work until 10 p.m. and on Sundays and public holidays for your studies if you expressly agree to do so and this is necessary for your studies.
Further information can be found here: