Open Science
Open Science means opening up science through the greatest possible transparency and participation in the research process. At the University of Applied Sciences Jena we support this Open Science idea. We are convinced that Open Science not only advances research, but also creates added value for society as a whole. We are thus following the Thuringian Strategy for a Digital Society.

Open Science in the research process
Research planning
Open Science can already play a role at the beginning of the scientific process. Opportunities for this include, for example, the consideration and planning of Citizen Science projects, the pre-registration of studies, or the design of the research data management plan.
Implementation of the research project
During the research project, Open Science can be implemented, for example, through the use of open source or by providing research materials.
Both data and results can be made available to the public. This supports the FAIR-Data-principle („A“ = Accessible under well defined conditions). Open Access publications are among the best known element of Open Science.
Open Science Policy
The University of Applied Sciences Jena supports the transparency of the scientific process and the opening towards more exchange in the scientific and societal field. In this way, our university meets its responsibility to provide and distribute knowledge and therefore makes it freely available to society. This increases the visibility of our activities and contributes to the further establishment of universities of applied sciences in the research and transfer context.
The University of Applied Sciences Jena actively encourages university members to participate in the Open Science process and, for example, to publish in the area of Open Access as far as this is possible within a legal framework. We thus follow the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities". The university administration supports this according to its possibilities through suitable offers, e.g. through a corresponding fund or the provision of information.
The Open Science Policy of the University of Applied Sciences Jena is a recommendation and not an obligation. The freedom of science includes that the members of the university can decide for themselves to what extent they want to apply the principles of the Open Science process.
The Open Science Policy was approved by the Senate on 16.02.2021.
Open Science funding
We would like to encourage and support researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Jena to participate in the Open Science process. Starting in 2021, we therefore offer the possibility to apply for funding. More information on how to apply can be found on the Intranet (Attention: Link can only be used internally or with registration).
Transparency in research and science
Research and science must also be aware of their responsibility and accountability. Standards of good scientific practice, ethical conduct in research, a detailed research impact assessment, transparency in the acquisition of third-party funding and the public provision of research results are preconditions for this.
In view of this, the Thuringian State Presidents' Conference (TLPK) adopted corresponding guidelines in March 2017. An online-database provides information on the third-party funded research projects of Thuringia's higher education institutions. (This database is currently only available in German.)
Strategy and organisational development in the field of Open Science
Open Science is also always a process: structures have to be developed, researchers sensitised and goals set. The University of Applied Sciences Jena is therefore participating in the pilot project "Road2Openness" in the co-creative development process of a self-assessment tool for strategy and organisational development in the field of Open Science. The tool is intended to support universities in assessing their own status quo in the field of Open Science using an interactive online questionnaire. This is followed by recommendations for improving their own Open Science activities.
Out of 40 universities that applied, three were selected to participate in the pilot project. In addition to the University of Applied Sciences Jena, these are the University of Potsdam and the RWTH Aachen. They will support the team of five open science experts in the further development of the tool from October 2021 to April 2022.
The project is supported and funded by the Stifterverband.
