placement abroad
Our guide "Studying and doing an internship abroad" gives a general overview of the topic. If it is a compulsory internship, please inform yourself about the modalities at the responsible internship office.
Before you start planning your stay abroad, please think carefully about what the goal of your stay is. A high degree of flexibility is often required when choosing the location for the internship. The most important thing when preparing for your stay is to plan well in advance. It also makes sense to draw on the experience of others. Especially the application for funding requires some effort. As is so often the case in life, the following also applies here: "Without diligence there is no price!".
Due to current events and the security situation in many countries of the world, the university management would like to centrally register all students of the university who are carrying out a study-related stay abroad (study, internship, language course, etc.) in the future. This registration is voluntary on the part of the students. The aim of this measure is to be able to inform or react in an emergency. After the return the entries will be deleted. We kindly ask you to fill in the form for recording the data.
The DAAD has summarized safety instructions here.
In connection with the Covid 19 pandemic, please inform yourself in good time before travelling on the website of the Federal Foreign Office about thetravel and safety advice and regulations of the country you aretravelling to. Please taketravel warnings seriously.
German nationals are advised to register on the Federal Foreign Office's"Elefand" crisis precaution list, irrespective of the country and the duration of their stay abroad, and to unsubscribe when they leave the country. All information from the Federal Foreign Office for your safe journey abroad is available in a freeapp.
Declaration of the students on experience reports
Dear returnees from the internship abroad,
I am sure you have also appreciated the personal reports of fellow students in preparation for the internship abroad. For some students the report is obligatory for the recognition and for others for the use of scholarships (HAW, PROMOS, ERASMUS etc. ).
Please specify the scope of use and use the form for this purpose. Thank you very much!
- Careful preparation, usually 1 year before the start of the stay.
- Determination of the exact time and duration of the stay
- Drawing up a priority list with the country and field of work in which the internship is desired
- Decision about individual planning or participation in certain programs.
- Good language skills (proof may be required)
- Good to very good academic performance
- Possibly a letter of recommendation from a university teacher or a work reference
- A financial guarantee (Please note the funding possibilities.)
- Depending on the destination country: visa, vaccinations, insurance cover (The pages of the German Foreign Office provide detailed information on this) and, if necessary, a work permit.
Useful links
- Information from the DAAD on internships abroad
- Programmes and funding opportunities as well as exchanges
- Current announcements
- Country information of the German Foreign Office
- TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
- Study and internship abroad - A guide for students
- Information from the DAAD about ERASMUS+
- EU Internship THURINGEN (formerly LEONARDO Office Thuringia)
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