Scholarships & Financial Aid
Studying in Germany is not expensive in international comparison. No tuition fees are charged at state colleges and universities, including the University of Applied Sciences (EAH) Jena. Only if you exceed the standard period of study by four semesters, you will have to pay so-called long-term fees in Thuringia, as in most German states. Only education and living costs are incurred, about which you should inform yourself in advance. An overview of education and living costs can be found on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
DAAD Prize at the EAH Jena
Prize of the German Academic Exchange Service for outstanding achievements of international students at German universities
Awarded with €1,000, the DAAD Prize is tendered once per year at the EAH Jena. The DAAD Prize shall draw attention to the increasing number of international students at the EAH Jena and connect interesting stories with faces. The DAAD Prize honours international students of the EAH Jena who have achieved excellent study results and showed remarkable social or intercultural commitment. Individual persons as well as bodies or groups, which are associated with the EAH Jena, may submit nominations.
Year | Name | Nationality | Course of study |
2024 | Mr Aliaksei Kobylinskiy | Belarus | Research group “Applied Optics” |
2023 | Mr Suliman Kasem | Syria | Medical Engineering (M.Sc.) |
2022 | Ms Imane Nahid | Morocco | Industrial Engineering (M.Sc.) |
2021 | Ms Sabrina Oberli Palma | Swiss/Venezuela | Medical Engineering (M.Sc.) |
2020 | Mr Muhammad Maaz Majid | Pakistan | Mechatronics (M.Eng.) |
2019 | Mr Ahmed Ibrahim Diab | Syria | Medical Engineering (M.Sc.) |
2018 | Ms Marie-Sophie Romano | France | Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (B.Eng.) |
Scholarships from the University and the City of Jena
Application deadline: 21 April 2025
The scholarship's purpose is supporting international students in the last stage of their study financially. The selection of fellows takes place through a commission of the EAH Jena in due consideration of the academic performances and financial situation of the applicants. Grade point average and plausibility of application play a decisive role in the selection.
What is the scholarship rate?
The End-of-Study Scholarships amount to € 350.00 per month and are paid for a funding period of 3 months (€ 1050.00 total funding per scholarship holder).
Who can apply? You may apply if you…
- are enrolled at the EAH Jena,
- seek degree at the EAH Jena,
- have good study results,
- have acquired your higher education entrance qualification outside Germany,
- do not need more than one year to successfully complete your current degree course,
- do not have German citizenship.
How do I apply?
You can apply online using the application form.
Please complete the online application form and submit your application. Once you have submitted your application online, please send the required application attachments to the International Office. Please note that only complete applications (including all required attachments) will be considered for the selection process.
What attachments do I have to submit?
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Current Transcript of Records (overview of all grades)
- Enrolment certificate of summer semester 2025
- Bank statement for the current month
Where can I submit the attachments to my application?
- Please send the attachments of your scholarship application in PDF format (max. 10 MB) by 21 April 2025 by email to:
- Please use the following subject line in your email: DAAD scholarship
How are scholarship holders selected?
A committee of the International Office selects the scholarship holders shortly after the application deadline. All applicants will be notified of the committee's decision. A maximum of 5 scholarships can be awarded in the summer semester.
What criteria does the committee use to decide?
- Academic performance: good to very good grade point average across all subjects in the respective degree programme
- Academic progress: a maximum of 1 year until the expected successful completion of the degree programme
- Plausibility: correspondence between verifiable achievements/study progress and written justification of the application
Whom can I contact in case of any questions?
Please contact the International Office.
- Email:
- Phone: 03641 205 167 or 135
- Rooms: 01.00.07/1 or 01.00.12
Office hours: Monday and Tuesday: 10:00 – 12:00, Thursday: 13:30 – 15:30
Application deadline: 31 March 2025
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial support to international students at the EAH Jena who face special challenges during their studies. The scholarship holders are selected by an independent committee of the university. Three DAAD Scholarships for Equal Opportunities can be awarded this year.
What are special challenges? For the purposes of the scholarship, special challenges are if you...
- are a single parent, or
- care for care-dependent relatives (e.g. spouse, parents, siblings), or
- have a disability or chronic disease, or
- have fled to Germany and received a recognised refugee status.
What is the scholarship rate?
The DAAD Scholarship for Equal Opportunities amounts to € 350.00 per month and are paid for a funding period of 6 months (April to September 2025, € 2,100.00 total funding per scholarship holder).
Who can apply? You may apply if you…
- are enrolled at the EAH Jena,
- seek degree at the EAH Jena,
- have acquired your higher education entrance qualification outside Germany, or at a German study college, or
- do not have German citizenship
- face at least one special challenge in your studies
How do I apply?
You can apply online using the application form.
Please complete the online application form and submit your application. Once you have submitted your application online, please send the required application attachments to the International Office by email. Please note that only complete applications (including all required attachments) can be considered for the selection process.
What attachments do I have to submit?
- Motivation letter
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Current Transcript of Records (overview of all grades)
- Bank statement for the current month
- Proof of special challenges during your studies:
- If you are caring for children: Birth certificates of the child/children
- If you are caring for relatives: Proof of the care level of the relatives, power of attorney (if applicable)
- If you have a disability or chronic disease: Medical certificate, disabled person's pass (if applicable)
- If you have come to Germany as a refugee: Residence permit and supplementary sheet
The Deutschlandstipendium is a scholarship for gifted and talented young people who also show special social commitment. This scholarship opportunity is open to international students too. The application is made via the Career Service of the EAH Jena.
Next application period: Summer semester 2025
Students who have registered their primary residence in Jena for the first time and are under 30 years of age, may apply for the educational grant of the city of Jena. It amounts to €60 for one semester. The application is available for a total of two semesters, i.e., a maximum of € 120. The deadline for applications for the current calendar year is 31 December.
Foundation Scholarships
In Germany, there are many foundations with different social and political orientations and target groups. You should therefore first research the goals and criteria of the foundation and seek advice before applying for a scholarship. Here you will find a list of party-affiliated foundations that also award scholarships to international students.
The application process usually consists of several stages. If the foundation is interested in your written application, an interview with a lecturer of the foundation usually follows. If you advance one round, selection interviews often take place at the foundation's location.
German language skills at level B2 are a minimum requirement for all listed foundations. In addition to good academic performance, voluntary work also plays an important role. Part-time jobs that you use to finance your studies are not considered voluntary work. Voluntary work means that you work for others in an association or group, for example, and that you do so without pay.
Would you like to do voluntary work, but don't know where? Let's get advise! The Jena Civic Foundation advises and places people in voluntary work.
Scholarship Search on the Internet
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers the most comprehensive funding programme. Databases and scholarship guides make it easier for you to find a suitable scholarship provider.
Selection of search engines and data bases for scholarships:
- The scholarship database of the DAAD.
- The search engines myStipendium (in German) or Scholarshipportal.
- The European Funding Guide of the ItS Initiative for Transparent Student Funding.
Emergency Financial Aid
If you have found yourself in a financial emergency situation through no fault of your own, you can find an overview of assistance offers here.
Students who are currently in a difficult financial situation due to the Corona crisis can apply for an interest-free short-term loan from the Studierendenwerk Thüringen in the amount of 800 euros on a one-time basis. The application for the loan can be made at the General Social Counselling of the Studierendenwerk.
Students experiencing financial hardship can apply to the Studierendenwerk for tokens, which are provided as a subsidy for meals in the students' cafeterias. These students can receive up to 85 free meals per semester for a maximum of two semesters in total.
The "StudiumThüringenPlus" study start-up assistance is a one-time support for financially needy first-year students prior to the start of their studies in the first university semester in the amount of € 500 from the summer semester of 2021 until the winter semester of 2023/2024. The "StudiumThüringenPlus" start-up aid is intended to make it easier for students to start their studies and is granted to financially needy first-year students who are admitted to a state or state-recognised Thuringian higher education institution for the first time.
Applications must be submitted before the start of the course of study and in due time by
- March 15 of each year for the upcoming summer semester and
- 15 September of each year for the upcoming winter semester.
International students can apply to the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Jena for financial aid from the emergency fund of the Diakonisches Werk of the EKM or be nominated for a scholarship from "Brot für die Welt". The contact person is the university pastor who is entrusted with the university and student work of the ESG in Jena.
The university chaplain of the Catholic Student Community Jena is the contact person for all questions regarding the scholarships (Cusanuswerk, KAAD), national university policy and administration as well as for all concerns regarding community life.
International students who find themselves in a serious financial, personal, political or illness-related emergency situation can apply for one-off funding from the DAAD Foundation's Emergency Fund. In order to apply, it must be proven that, in principle, no funding is possible from other DAAD funds, public funds or other third-party funds. The DAAD Foundation is the contact person.