Partner universities
The international relationships of University of Applied Sciences Jena span the globe, new ones are added every year and sometimes some expire or fall away, e.g. because of the Brexit. Around 100 contractual relationships around the world open up a wide range of opportunities to gain experience abroad.
If you are interested in studying abroad, you should first get a general overview in the overviews below as initial information.
It should be noted that not everything can be used for student exchange in every country and study programme. Some agreements are only made annually between individual degree programmes with limited numbers of students and do not automatically apply to every student. Partner universities are increasingly looking for reciprocity and the existence of a contract does not automatically guarantee eligibility for a tuition-free exchange semester for everyone. The type of contract and the content of the relationship also play a role.
Pay particular attention to relationships within the EU's ERASMUS+ programme. There is a wide range of opportunities in many countries in Europe, mobility grants (monthly country allowances) are available, and there are basically no tuition fees to pay. This is where you have the best chance of application success. We are in the transition between the old and new generation of the programme. As part of digitization, all contracts will need to be evaluated and renewed in WS 22/23. Until then, there will be automatic renewal and individual, bilateral coordination between the partner universities.
Central and departmental information events are held on the subject of studying abroad. In the case of particularly sought-after destinations, there are selections in the departments. Please pay attention to the relevant notices/publications in the department. Please plan your study-related stay abroad in good time. There are a number of scholarship opportunities, so make the most of your chance.
In principle, the world is open to you; individual wishes and goals can also be organised as a free mover.
If you have any questions or need advice, please contact theInternational Office of the Ernst Abbe University Jena.
Here you will find an overview of the ERASMUS+ partner universities and an overview of the worldwide international relations of the EAH Jena for initial information. More detailed tables (with contact persons and filter function) are available on the intranet.
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