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Photo: Sebastian Reuter

Medical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering

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Application for winter semester 15.05. To 30.09.

In principle, practical application is in the foreground during the six semesters of the Bachelor's programme. However, this does not mean that theoretical basics can be dispensed with. These are taught in the first semesters of the programme. This includes, for example, modules in the basic sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.
In the following semesters, you will specialise in medical technology subjects. By selecting various elective modules in the 5th semester, you can deepen your knowledge in subjects that match your interests and preferred future fields of work.
In the 6th semester, a practical module follows, which is carried out in a company or in a university-internal/external research institution. Here you work on an engineering task from professional practice under supervision. Finally, you deal with a corresponding topic as part of your Bachelor's thesis.

Module overview

Semester 1
Mathematik I
Physik I
Technisches Englisch I
Informatik I
Chemie I
2nd Semester
Mathematik II
Physik II
Technisches Englisch II
Informatik II
Elektronische Bauelemente
3rd Semester
Signal- und Systemanalyse
Biophysik 1
Analoge Schaltungstechnik
Software Tools
4th Semester
Grundlagen der Messtechnik
Grundlagen der Regelungstechnik
Digitale Schaltungstechnik/Mikroprozessortechnik
Grundlagen der Labor- und Analysenmesstechnik
Biomedizinische Technik - Verfahren der Diagnostik
Technische Sicherheit/Qualitätssicherung
5th Semester
Grundlagen der Medizinischen Messtechnik
Grundlagen der Medizinelektronik
Ionisierende Strahlung
Klinische Labor- und Analysenmesstechnik
Biomedizinische Technik-Verfahren der Therapie
6th Semester