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Bachelor Pflege/Pflegeleitung
Foto: Philipp-Clayton Zickmann


Bachelor of Science

Register now!
Application for summer semester 01.12. To 31.03.
  • General higher education entrance qualification, subject-linked higher education entrance qualification or university of applied sciences entrance qualification
  • In addition, a completed 3-year training in one of the following nursing professions is required:
    • Nurse
    • Health and nursing care worker
    • Paediatric nurse
    • Health and paediatric nurse
    • Midwife/maternity nurse
    • geriatric nurse
  • You do not have a higher education entrance qualification, but you do have professional experience? Find out about studying without High School Diploma.

1. Registrierung Campusportal

Registriere dich auf unserer Bewerbungsplattform.
Wichtig: Registriere dich nur einmal, auch wenn du dich für mehrere Studiengänge bewerben möchtest. 

2. Bewerbungsantrag hinzufügen und abgeben

Wähle deinen gewünschten Abschluss und Studiengang aus und gib alle nötigen Daten im Bewerbungsportal ein. Falls erforderlich, lade die angeforderten Nachweise hoch. Gib den Bewerbungsantrag fristgerecht bis zum 15.01. 24:00 Uhr ab.

3. Vergabeverfahren

Wir führen das Vergabeverfahren anhand deiner Angaben durch. Wenn du eine hohe Platzierung auf den Ranglisten erreicht hast, erhältst du nach dem Abschluss des Verfahrens ein Zulassungsangebot. Nach Erhalt eines Zulassungsangebots entscheidest du, ob du den Studienplatz annimmst. Den Zulassungsbescheid findest du in deinem Postfach im Campusportal.

4. Immatrikulation elektronisch beantragen

Anschließend beantragst du im Campusportal die Immatrikulation, indem du alle erforderliche Daten elektronisch eingibst. Danach findest du im Bewerbungsportal deinen Immatrikulationsantrag als PDF.

5. Immatrikulationsantrag per Post schicken

Drucke den Immatrikulationsantrag aus, unterschreibe ihn und sende ihn zusammen mit allen geforderten Unterlagen (siehe Checkliste) rechtzeitig per Post an die Adresse auf dem Antrag.

6. Immatrikulation erfolgt

Sobald deine Unterlagen bei uns eingegangen sind und geprüft wurden, bekommst du ein Starterpaket mit deiner THOSKA per Post vom Studierendensekretariat.

Fertig – willkommen an unserer Hochschule! 


Du möchtest deinen Studienplatz doch nicht annehmen? Schade! Hier findest du Hinweise zu deinen nächsten Steps.

When applying online, the following documents must be submitted electronically in the university's internal NC procedure for Bachelor's degree programmes with restricted admission:
(in PDF format, max. 1000 kb per document)

  • Copy of your higher education entrance qualification (school leaving certificate, certificate from a technical college, etc.)
  • Relevant documents on your educational background: school, vocational training, skilled worker's or journeyman's certificate, etc.
  • If you are studying without a higher education entrance qualification: Copy of your vocational training certificate, proof of at least 3 years of professional activity as well as a completed study counselling form, signed by the department.
  • In the case of vocational qualification: Proof of confirmed further vocational training of at least 400 hours and final grade.
  • In the case of a second degree programme: documents relating to the previous degree programme (certificate of exmatriculation, certificate of course of study to date with details of the degree programme, number of semesters and details of semesters on leave of absence; copy of the degree certificate from the first degree programme) as well as a letter of motivation.
  • In the case of a hardship application: informal application with officially authenticated evidence
  • For international applicants: Copy of conditional admission, secondary school leaving certificate, proof of previous periods of study, proof of German language proficiency, Feststellungszeugnis (certificate of confirmation).
  • If applicable, proof of military or alternative service.

After successful online application and admission to the desired degree programme, you apply for enrolment electronically and then send the enrolment documents (see below) to the university by post.

  • printed and signed application for enrolment (generated after the electronic application for enrolment)
  • current copy of your passport or identity document
  • Certified copy of your university entrance qualification (school leaving certificate, certificate from a technical college, etc.)
  • Curriculum vitae in table form (optional)
  • Relevant documents on your educational background in certified form (school, vocational training, skilled worker's or journeyman's certificate, etc.)
  • for studies without General higher education entrance qualification:
    • certified copy of the vocational training certificate, proof of at least 3 years of professional activity as well as completed and approved study counselling form, signed by the department
  • in the case of vocational qualification:
    • Proof of confirmed further vocational training of at least 400 hours and final grade.
  • in the case of a second degree course:
    • Documents on previous studies (certificate of exmatriculation, certificate of course of studies to date with details of the course of study, number of semesters and details of semesters on leave of absence, officially certified degree certificate from the first degree programme)
  • For international applicants:
    • Copy of the conditional admission, secondary school certificate, proof of previous study periods, proof of German (in certified form), Feststellungszeugnis (in certified form)
  • In the case of an application for hardship: informal application with officially certified evidence
  • In the case of an application for compensation for disadvantages (grade): informal application with officially certified proofs.
  • Proof of military or alternative service, if applicable
  • Bank statement with proof of payment of the semester fee

Important information

  1. You can have certifications made, for example, by municipal authorities (e.g. city council), health insurance companies or a notary. Otherwise, if you hand in your application documents in person, you can bring your original certificates with you and show them to us.

  2. In your own interest, please make sure that the documents submitted are complete, otherwise your application for enrolment may be processed with a time delay.

  3. Please do not send us any originals unless this is expressly requested.

1. registration

Please apply on our application platform or click on the "Enrol here" field on the right-hand side. As soon as you click on the menu item "Register now" in the campus portal, the first thing you will be asked to do is to enter your personal data for the registration. In order to ensure smooth communication between you and the university during the enrolment process, we ask you to enter an e-mail address which you actively use. After registration, you will automatically receive a message with the access data as well as the activation code for your e-mail address. Therefore, please check your e-mail inbox (and spam folder if necessary) immediately afterwards and confirm your e-mail address by either clicking on the activation link or entering the activation code in the menu item "E-mail verification" in the application portal.

2. Add application form and enter data electronically (upload supporting documents if necessary).

First select the degree and the degree programme for which you are applying. Please enter all necessary data carefully in the application portal. While entering the data, you may - depending on your academic background - have to upload some digital evidence. Have all the necessary information and evidence ready in electronic form.

3. Submit application electronically

At the end of the online application, you confirm the correctness of your electronic information by ticking the appropriate box and submitting your application - provided the information is correct and complete - by the deadline (15.01. 24:00 = deadline) exclusively electronically.

4. Procurement procedure

The University of Applied Sciences Jena carries out the allocation procedure on the basis of the information you provided in your online application. If you have achieved a high ranking in the selection procedure, you will receive an admission letter after the procedure has been completed. You will receive the admission notification in the form of an electronic notification in your mailbox in the campus portal.

5. Apply for enrolment digitally

You must then apply for enrolment digitally in the EAH Jena application portal by entering further data required for enrolment electronically. This information is required by the Higher Education Statistics Act and must be entered in full. As soon as the enrolment data has been completely entered, the button "Complete digital enrolment" will take you back to the application portal, where you will finally find the PDF enrolment application for the degree programme.

6. Send enrolment application together with documents by post

Please print out the Application for Enrolment (PDF) and sign it. You should then send it by post, together with all the documents listed in the Application for Enrolment (PDF) and necessary for enrolment, to the address given on the application for enrolment within the relevant deadline.

7. Enrolment takes place

As soon as the enrolment documents have been received by post at the EAH Jena and enrolment has taken place, you will receive a starter package with the following documents by post from the Student Secretariat of the university:

  • Provisional student card
  • Certificate of study
  • Certificate for the application of BAföG
  • Starter booklet
  • Information on starting your studies



The THOSKA (Thuringian University and Student Union Card) is your student ID as well as your semester ticket in chip card form. You will receive it at the THOSKA office at the beginning of the semester. Each semester you have to pay a semester fee


If you would like to cancel your enrollment, please send us the complete starter package together with the application form for cancellation of enrollment and the application form for fee refund by the end of the previous semester (31.03./30.09.). In this case, we will delete your enrollment and you will be considered as not enrolled for the entire semester. According to the current fee regulations of the University of Applied Sciences Jena, a cancellation fee of 25,00 Euro will be charged, which will be deducted from the refund of the semester fee. If you return the semester documents too late or not completely, you can only deregister by submitting an application form for de-registration. The paid semester fee cannot be refunded.