General Management
Master of Business Administration, career-integrated studies
The knowledge and skills taught in the Master's programme will enable you to take up a leadership position in various companies. Such leadership positions require the following skills:
- Plan
- Monitor
- Reflect
- Conceive
- Coordinate
- Organise
- Controlling and leading
After successful completion, you will be familiar with the most important business management theories and methods and will be able to apply your knowledge in various business areas. The MBA is primarily designed to train generalists. With this management know-how, you can aspire to middle and higher management positions. The MBA programme in Jena is aimed at engineers, for example, who have achieved a first university degree and have already taken on management tasks. The theoretical knowledge required for this can be acquired in the MBA programme. The programme is also interesting for those who would like to expand their specialised technical knowledge and thus recommend themselves for management tasks. MBA graduates work in these corporate areas, for example, and take on team, departmental or divisional management tasks:
- Marketing / Sales
- Human resource management
- Quality management
- Controlling / Finance
- Product management
- Project Management
- Customer Relation Management
- Supply Chain Management
In addition to a career in the private sector, the MBA degree also offers options in academia. After graduation, students can pursue a doctorate at a university. Furthermore, the degree enables entry into the higher civil service.