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Photo: Sebastian Reuter

Mechanical Engineering

Master of Engineering

Apply now!
Application for winter semester 15.05. To 15.07.
Application for summer semester 01.12. To 15.03.

You already have a first degree in engineering and would like to gain further qualifications for a challenging job in industrial sectors such as mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, environmental technology, medical technology and the optical industry? Then taking up a practice-oriented master's degree in mechanical engineering at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena is a suitable academic path for you.

Title on graduation:
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrace Requirements:
See requirements
90 ECTS in 3 Semesters
Start of semester:
winter semester (01.10.) and summer semester (01.04.)
Semester Fee:
273,65 € (+ 15 € einmalig für Thoska)
Language of instruction:

That makes the study programme special:

  • Application-related reflection of the teaching content in direct contact with the lecturers
  • Broadening and deepening of subject and methodological knowledge and practical skills