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Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang Klinische Optometrie
Photo: Inka Rodigast

Clinical Optometry (advanced in-service training)

Master of Science, career-integrated studies

Register now!
Application for winter semester 15.05. To 15.09.
Application for summer semester 01.12. To 28.02.

Within the framework of the part-time study programme, you will have become familiar with advanced optometric examination methods and care options, enabling you to provide complex care for people of all ages. In addition, you will be able to think your way into new situations within a very short time, develop solutions alone and in a team and think outside the box thanks to the interdisciplinary orientation of the degree programme. You have learned to look at complex tasks from different perspectives as well as to work on tasks at a scientific level and you have the self-confidence to solve problems with common sense.

In your studies you will deal with, among other things:

  • Clinical optometry
  • Advanced biomedicine and refractive surgery
  • Sports optometry
  • Fitting special contact lenses
  • Light and illumination
  • Paediatric and interdisciplinary optometry
  • Binocular disorders and their treatment, including vision training/therapy
  • Business administration and project management
  • Scientific work and communication

Module overview

  • Vision Training/Therapy
  • Interdisciplinary Optometry
  • Sports Optometry
  • Casuistry Sports Optometry
  • Clinical Optometry
  • Casuistry Binocular Vision
  • Light and Illumination
  • Business Administration
  • Project Management
  • Clinical Optometry II
  • Project: Advanced Biomedicine and Refractive Surgery
  • Fitting of special contact lenses
  • Scientific work and communication
  • Master's thesis
  • Colloquium


course consulting