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Photo: Inka Rodigast

Optometry / Ophthalmo-Technology / Vision Science

Master of Science

Apply now!
Application for winter semester 15.05. To 15.09.
Application for summer semester 01.12. To 15.03.

The Master's programme comprises 4 semesters of full-time study. The study contents deepen the knowledge in the field of clinical optometry and ophthalmotechnology. In all semesters, practical training takes place on test persons in order to apply what has been learned directly on patients. Furthermore, the study programme is characterised by projects on current and selected topics of optometry and ophthalmotechnology as well as refractive surgery.

The Master's programme includes a research internship of 4 weeks in the 1st semester.
In the 3rd semester, elective modules can be chosen, e.g. on in-depth content of clinical optometry, ophthalmotechnology as well as business administration and languages.

In the 4th semester, the Master's thesis is written and presented in a subsequent colloquium. The aim is to work on a subject-specific topic using a scientific approach. Thanks to practical training, the transition to the professional world after graduation is usually smooth.

Module overview

Semester 1
Vertiefende Klinische Optometrie
Optische Messtechnik
Optische Schichten
2nd Semester
Projekt I: Optometrie und Ophthalmotechnologie
Physiologie des visuellen Systems
Spezielle Low Vision
Optik Design I
Lasermaterialbearbeitung I
Wahlpflichtmodul I
3rd Semester
Projekt II: Refraktive Chirurgie
Didaktik und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
Interdisziplinäre Optometrie
Laser in der Medizin
Lasermaterialbearbeitung II
Wahlpflichtmodul II
4th Semester