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Pharma Biotechnologie an der EAH Jena studieren
Photo: Sebastian Reuter

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Master of Science

Apply now!
Application for winter semester 15.05. To 15.07.

Pharmaceutical biotechnology involves the use of biotechnological methods and processes in the context of medical applications. In keeping with the color of blood, this branch of biotechnology is also known as red biotechnology. The subject of pharmaceutical biotechnology is the use of the catalytic properties of biomolecules, cells and organisms, often optimized by genetic engineering methods, to manufacture pharmaceutical products and develop diagnostic procedures.

Starting from the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the regulation of metabolic processes and their pathological changes in the development of diseases, therapeutically active substances are sought and biotechnological processes for their production are developed. Pharmaceutical biotechnologists also play a key role in the development and biotechnological production of diagnostics and vaccines. They are also qualified to make a relevant contribution in the development of microarray techniques, biosensors, analytical techniques and diagnostic devices.

Title on graduation:
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Entrace Requirements:
Suitability procedure (see application/requirements)
120 ECTS in 4 Semesters
Start of semester:
winter semester (01.10.)
Semester Fee:
273,65 € (+ 15 € einmalig für Thoska)
Language of instruction:

That makes the study programme special:

  • Focus: Red biotechnology - from the cause of disease to molecular diagnostics to active pharmaceutical ingredients