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Scientific Instrumentation
Foto: Sebastian Reuter

Scientific Instrumentation

Master of Science

Apply now!
Application for winter semester 01.12. To 01.04.

The English-language master's program offers you the opportunity for further qualification in scientific instrument engineering, following a first academic degree in the natural sciences or engineering.


Application Deadline:
01th December to 30th April (Applicants with BA pursued outside of Germany)
15th May to 15th September (Applicant with BA pursued in Germany)

Title on graduation:
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Entrace Requirements:
Suitability procedure (see application/requirements)
120 ECTS in 4 Semesters
Start of semester:
winter semester (01.10.)
Semester Fee:
273,65 € (+ 15 € einmalig für Thoska)
Language of instruction:

That makes the study programme special:

  • ​International Master's course
  • Engineering and Physics interdisciplinary
  • Research and development focusing on technical and scientific instruments or processes
Raul stellt den Master Scientific Instrumentation vor
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