Social Work
Master of Arts
The 1st and 2nd semesters serve to expand and deepen the knowledge acquired so far. Several specialised modules are offered for this purpose. In one module, the subject area of social work is approached through an examination of current discourses and theories. The aim is to be able to further develop fields of action in social work conceptually and theoretically. As in other sciences, findings in social work are also based on the use of research methods. In several modules, you will become familiar with qualitative and quantitative survey and analysis methods, which are practically implemented in a research and development project under scientific supervision. In den Modulen Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung werden Führungsaufgaben im Studium thematisiert. Management and Law prepare students for the conceptual design of processes, workflows or even facilities. The module International Affairs / Politics is intended to broaden the view beyond the home-state framework.
Modules in the first two semesters are:
- Social work
- Research methods
- Research and development project
- Personnel and organisational development
- Management
- Law
- International / Politics
According to the standard period of study, the 3rd semester is used to write the Master's thesis. In addition, there are further modules in the fields of politics and law. After successful completion of the programme, the academic degree awarded is the Master of Arts.