Microtechnology / Physics Engineering
Bachelor of Science
The degree programme is designed to provide both the technical and interdisciplinary qualifications needed for successful professional practice. The speed of innovation in the high-tech sector constantly places new demands on researchers and developers. As a microtechnology/physics engineer, you must therefore have a solid knowledge of physical principles and mathematical methods in order to be able to familiarise yourself with new technical-scientific fields of work throughout your professional life. The microtechnology/physical engineering degree programme is interdisciplinary. Therefore, the range of subjects in the curriculum is largely made up of physical and engineering science content. Mathematics is an indispensable tool for engineering and physics. It is therefore an important component of the first semesters of study. In the in-depth subjects Microsystems Technology, Processes of Micro- and Nanotechnologies, as well as Fundamentals of Semiconductor Physics and Devices or Function and Production of Solar Cells and Modules, you will be introduced to the fascinating world of microtechnology. In the last semester, you complete the integrated practical phase and write your Bachelor's thesis. The Bachelor's thesis and practical phase are usually carried out in research laboratories or development departments in industry. You will be scientifically supervised by the respective institution and the University of Applied Sciences Jena.
Module overview
Elective modules I | Recommended elective modules II |