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Photo: Sebastian Reuter

General Management

Master of Arts

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Application for winter semester 15.05. To 15.09.
Application for summer semester 01.12. To 15.03.

The Master's programme extends over a standard period of study of three semesters. The second semester can also be spent entirely at a partner school abroad. Students are trained in various areas of business administration with several specialised modules. This includes the following focal points:

  • Business management
  • Marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Finance, accounting and taxes
  • Human resources and labour law

Practical experience in later professional life can build on this comprehensive knowledge. Other modules in the first semesters of the Master's programme are, for example, these:

  • Corporate Accounting
  • International Economics
  • Business Information Systems
  • Foundation and start-up financing

The third semester is used to write the Master's thesis. This is also discussed and presented in a Master's seminar. A thematic specialisation is not planned in the Master's programme. After graduation, you will have extensive generalist management knowledge and can therefore be employed flexibly. Ideally, this makes the transition from study to work very easy.

Module overview

Semester 1
Bilanzierung und Bewertung
Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung
Module aus dem Schwerpunktbereich
2nd Semester
Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre
Module aus dem Schwerpunktbereich
3rd Semester