The Senate is largely responsible for shaping academic life at University of Applied Sciences Jena. It is responsible for overarching issues of teaching, research and development and regulates all matters that affect the university as a whole. The tasks of the Senate are based on § 35 Paragraph 1 ThürHG.
The topics of the Senate include:
- Appointment proposals
- University development plan
- Distribution of personnel and material resources
- Structure of the university
- Establishment and discontinuation of degree programmes
- Guidelines for research and development
- Prof. Dr. Steffen Teichert, Rector
equal senate:
- No. 1 - Prof. Dr. Hans Klaus, BW
- No. 2 - Prof. Dr. Johannes Winning, GP
- No. 3 - Prof. Dr. Michael Rüb, SciTec
- No. 4 - Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Döge, ET/IT
extended senate:
- No. 5 - Prof. Dr. Nicole Harth, SW
- No. 6 - Prof. Dr. Frank Engelmann, WI
- No. 7 - Prof. Dr. Michael Pfaff, MT/BT
- No. 8 - Prof. Dr. Marlies Patz, MB
- No. 9 - Prof. Dr. Christopher Schneider, GW
In accordance with § 28 Para. 2 of the Election Regulations, the professorial composition of the Joint Senate changes according to a fixed rotation principle. The elected professors with the lowest index number (by lottery) shall retire every four months (starting in October 2022) and be replaced by those with an index number four higher. All elected professors belong to the extended Senate.
- Sarah Mittag, BW
- Pascal Pastoor, MT/BT
- Christine Aumüller, SciTec
- Melvin Brendel, WI
Staff members
- Eckart Hesse, MT/BT
- Gudrun Maetzig, GW
- Andrea Heist, Department 3
Senate members with an advisory vote continue to be:
- Vice President for Research and Development
- Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Continuing Education
- Chancellor
- Deans of the faculties
- Equal Opportunities Officer
- Diversity Officer
- Representative for the Disabled
- Chairperson of the Staff Council
- Chairperson of the Student Council
Meeting dates 2022
25.01.2022 not applicable
15.03.2022 *
17.05.2022 *
19.07.2022 *
27.09.2022 * not applicable
+49 3641 205 894

+49 3641 205 101