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Masterstudiengang Civic Education. Demokratiearbeit in der digitalisierten Gesellschaft
Photo: Sebastian Reuter

Civic Education. Democracy in digitized societies

Master of Arts

Apply now!
Application for summer semester 01.12. To 15.03.

You would like to become a multiplier for democratic competence? Would you like to counteract political fatigue, strengthen people in their democratic competence and contribute to a diverse and digitally competent society? Then the Master's programme Civic Education. Democracy Work in a Digitalised Society at the University of Applied Sciences Jena offers you the ideal prerequisites.

Title on graduation:
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrace Requirements:
Suitability procedure (see application/requirements)
90 ECTS in 3 Semesters
Start of semester:
summer semester (01.04.)
Semester Fee:
273,65 € (+ 15 € einmalig für Thoska)
Language of instruction:
German, English

That makes the study programme special:

  • Dovetailing theory and practice
  • Interdisciplinary curriculum
  • Developed with actors from the field, the nationwide Research Institute for Social Cohesion and the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society under the auspices of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.
  • The language of instruction is usually German. Individual courses can be held in English after appropriate announcement in the course catalogue.