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Photo: Marie Koch

Social Work

Master of Arts

Apply now!
Application for summer semester 01.12. To 15.03.

You already have a first academic degree and would like to further qualify yourself in the field of social work for a job in research and development, in higher service or for the performance of management tasks? Then the Master's program in Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Jena offers you the ideal prerequisites.

Title on graduation:
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrace Requirements:
Suitability procedure (see application/requirements)
90 ECTS in 3 Semesters
Start of semester:
summer semester (01.04.)
Semester Fee:
273,65 € (+ 15 € einmalig für Thoska)
Language of instruction:

That makes the study programme special:

  • Consecutive and application-oriented studies
  • implementation of acquired knowledge
  • modularly structured study programme