Mechanical Engineering
Master of Engineering
Basically, it can be said that the career prospects of mechanical engineers continue to be excellent. No automobile would drive, no house would be supplied with water and energy, no toothpaste would find its way into a tube, were it not for mechanical engineers who, among other things, would deal with the planning, development, design, manufacture and distribution of products, machines and apparatuses as well as the associated processes that have made many everyday things we take for granted possible in the first place.
The broad-based Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) degree programme enables you to take up interesting and challenging jobs in many industrial sectors, e.g. mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, environmental technology, medical technology and the optical industry. Due to the in-depth scientific education, you are particularly suited for research-intensive fields of employment. Furthermore, with the Master's degree you can start a career in the higher civil service of the federal and state governments. Particularly high-performing students also have the option of a doctorate after completing their Master's degree.