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Semester Information for Exchange Students

Winter Semester 2024/25

Dear Exchange Students,

On this page, we would like to give you important information on your exchange semester at the EAH Jena.

Enrolment at the EAH Jena

Enrolment takes place without your presence before the start of the semester. You need to submit the following documents to the International Office after the beginning of the semester:

  • Proof of health insurance coverage (automated procedure)
  • Proof of paid semester fee (e.g. bank statement, transfer voucher)
  • Copy of rental agreement

Enrolment Documents

The certificate of enrolment is available in German (page 1) and English (page 2) and confirms your enrolment in the winter semester at the EAH Jena, starting 1 October 2024.

In the document "Account data" you will find your personal access data for your student account at the EAH Jena. These access data are valid for all internet services of the university. For your own security, please change your initial password immediately after logging in for the first time. Follow these instructions to change your password:

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Student ID Card - THOSKA

The THOSKA (Thüringer Hochschul- und Studierendenwerkskarte) is your student ID card at the EAH Jena. The THOSKA has the following functions:

  • Student ID card and culture ticket
  • Library pass (use of photocopier, book lending)
  • Cashless payments in dining halls and cafeterias (can be toped up with €10 to €100)
  • Access authorisation to buildings, labs, seminar rooms and parking area
  • Use of washing machines in dormitories of Studierendenwerk
  • Re-registration resp. validation of student status

The THOSKA as ticket

The Deutschlandticket is valid from 1 October 2024 and allows you to use the following means of transport throughout Germany free of charge:

  • Local public transport (tram, city bus, commuter train, metro)
  • Regional trains operated by Deutsche Bahn and most private railway companies
  • Intercity and regional buses

Not included in the Deutschlandticket are long-distance trains (IC/ICE), long-distance buses (e.g. Flixbus) and taxis.

To download the Deutschlandsemesterticket, you must first install the MeinJena app on your smartphone and register in the app. You can find detailed instructions for downloading the Deutschlandticket here: 

The culture ticket is part of the semester fee and provides free entrance to the following cultural institution:

  • Theatre in Jena („Theaterhaus Jena“)
  • Jena’s philharmonic orchestra („Jenaer Philharmonie”)
  • Museums in Jena

Please note: Before visiting the cultural institutions, you will need to get an entry ticket first. The entry ticket can be obtained in the corresponding shops (e.g. Jena’s tourist office). The ticket will be free of charges if you present your THOSKA.

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Web services at the EAH Jena

When you enrol at the EAH Jena, you will receive your access data (document "Account data") for the university's web services. You can access the most important web services via the EAH Jena homepage (

Web service Description


Eduroam is a free Wi-Fi service used by many universities and scientific institutions worldwide. In Jena, there is good coverage with eduroam especially in the city centre and on the campus of the EAH.

  • Before you can use the Wi-Fi service, you need to go to the URL:
  • Search “Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena” in the list and select it.
  • Log in with your user-ID and password (see Login Data), download the installer for your operating system (OS) and follow the instructions there.
  • Your eduroam profile will be valid for 90 days only. Afterwards, you will need to validate it again with the help of the app that you have downloaded from

Library account

To borrow online and print media from the EAH Jena library or associated catalogues, please use your library account.

  • You will find your user number on the back of your THOSKA.
  • The password is your date of birth in the form DDMMYY (e.g. 181199).


BigBlueButton is a browser-based tool for video conferences and online seminars, which is used by the EAH Jena for online courses. No software needs to be installed. 

  • You can log in with your user ID and the password of your student account.

Campus portal

You can manage your student data (e.g. contact information) in the campus portal. You will also find your study certificates and proof of payment there.

  • You can log in with your user ID and the password of your student account.


My EAH is the university's intranet. There you will find, for example, the pages of the departments and examination offices as well as IT resources.

  • You can log in with your user ID and the password of your student account. Important: You must add the suffix to your user ID when logging in, e.g.


Moodle is a teaching and learning platform where you can enrol in your courses. Teachers provide you with presentations, scripts, readers or tasks via Moodle.

  • You can log in with your user ID and the password of your student account.


You can use the self-service to register and de-register for your exams. 

  • You can log in with your user ID and the password of your student account.


When you enrolled at the EAH Jena, you also received an email address from the university. Please check your emails there regularly so that you do not miss any important information. 

  • You can log in with your user ID and the password of your student account.
IT Portal

You can apply for free access to Microsoft 365 in the IT portal of the EAH Jena to download and use the MS Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint etc.).

  • You can log in with your user ID and the password of your student account.

IT Helpdesk

If you have any questions or problems with the EAH Jena's web services, you can contact the university's IT helpdesk.

  • The IT Helpdesk offers open consultation hours every Tuesday from 09:00 to 10:00 am in the THOSKA office (room 01.00.17). However, it can also be reached at any time at the following e-mail address:

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Academic Advisors

There are academic advisors for exchange students in all degree course at the EAH Jena. Do not hesitate to contact them if you have questions on your courses and learning agreements, for example.

Course of study Exchange programme Academic advisor
Business Administration/General Management all exchange programmes Prof. Heiko Haase
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology KOSPIE Prof. Alexander Richter
Industrial Engineering all exchange programmes Prof. Juana Vasella
Mechatronics CDHAW Shanghai Prof. Peter Dittrich
Mechatronics Erasmus+ Prof. Thomas Heiderich
Medical Engineering/Biotechnology Erasmus+ Prof. Jane Neumann
Scientific Instrumentation all exchange programmes Prof. Ronny Gerbach
Social Work Erasmus+ Prof. Frederik von Harbou
Environmental Engineering and Development all exchange programmes Prof. Christoph Koch

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Examinations at EAH Jena

Types of Examination

There are different types of examinations, which take place either during the lecture period or during the examination period.

Type of examinationExplanation
APL = Alternative examination ("Alternative Prüfungsleistung")APLs are examinations that take place during the lecture period, e.g. presentations, papers, short tests.
Pra/Lab = Lab practical ("Laborpraktikum")Lab practicals usually also take place during the lecture period. A lab practical is usually concluded with a lab report.
PL = Examination ("Prüfungsleistung")PLs are examinations that only take place during the examination period. PLs are usually written examinations of 60 to 120 minutes.
Lecture period14 October 2024 – 8 February 2025
Examination period10 February – 3 March 2025

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Examination Registration

  • To take examinations, you must register for them.
  • The time of registration depends on the study programme and the type of examination. There are different periods for registration.
  • If you have selected courses/subjects of different study programmes, you must observe the different deadlines of all relevant study programmes.
  • The Learning Agreement does not guarantee that you will be allowed to take the exams. You must always register for the individual exam.
  • Once you have successfully registered for the examination, please download the confirmation of examination registration as a PDF file from the self-service.
Study programmeRegistration for alternative examinations (APL, Pra/Lab)Registration for examinations (PL)
Business Administration/General Management11 – 26 January 202511 – 26 January 2025
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology21 December 2024 – 26 January 202521 December 2024 – 26 January 2025
Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics11 – 26 January 202511 – 26 January 2025
Medical Engineering/Biotechnology21 December 2024 – 26 January 202521 December 2024 – 26 January 2025
Scientific Instrumentation21 December 2024 – 26 January 202521 December 2024 – 26 January 2025
Environmental Engineering and Development1 – 15 November 20241 November – 31 December 2024
Industrial Engineering1 – 15 November 20241 November – 31 December 2024

You can register for and de-register from all examinations in the self-service portal for students.

Go to self-service

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Examination Schedules

Examination Offices

  • If you have any questions or problems with the examination registration, you are welcome to contact the examination offices of the EAH.
  • If it is not possible to register for the examination for technical reasons, you can register manually by email to the Examination Office in charge within the registration period.
  • Please note the information on manual examination registration for exchange students.
Examination OfficeResponsibility
Examination Office I (1)Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics
Examination Office II (2)Health and Care, Social Work
Examination Office III (3)Biotechnology, Medical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Scientific Instrumentation and other courses at SciTec department
Examination Office IV (4)Environmental Engineering and Development, Industrial Engineering

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Class Schedule

Your timetable will be individually created based on your chosen subjects (learning agreement or special study plan). Explanations of the timetable can be found below.

Go to timetable

Course type Explanation Sign in the timetable
Lecture ("Vorlesung") Large groups, in the lecture hall or online, frontal teaching V
Seminar Medium-sized groups, in the seminar room, interactive, discussions S
Lab practical ("Praktikum") Small groups, in the lab, experiments P
Tutorial ("Übung") Small groups, practice of the subject matter with tutors Ü

The room numbers at the EAH consist of three components. The numbering follows the pattern: xx.yy.zz

  • xx = House number
  • yy = Floor
  • zz = Room number
Example 05.00.04 03.02.15
House House 5 House 3
Floor 0 floor (ground floor) 2nd floor
Room Room 4 Room 15

Moodle is a teaching and learning platform where online seminars take place and where you can find teaching material for your courses. Some lecturers also use Moodle for course enrolment, others do not. This depends on the respective lecturer. To register for Moodle, please use your login data, which you will find on the document "Account data".

Go to Moodle

You are allowed to amend your Learning Agreement once after the start of lectures. This means that you may add or deselect courses from your original Learning Agreement. Please use the template "Amendment of the Learning Agreement". Changes are possible until the end of the 2 week of lectures. Please send your amended Learning Agreement to Robert Schaef by email by 27 October 2024 at the latest. If you do not wish to amend your existing Learning Agreement, you do not need to submit an amendment.

Note: Students in the double degree programme cannot change your courses as you are studying according to a special study plan prepared by the relevant department.

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Sports courses in Jena

During the semester, numerous sports courses take place at both universities in Jena. You can book sports courses at the University of Applied Sciences Jena as well as at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. You pay a small participation fee to take part in the courses.

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Termination/continuation of studies

Here you will find information on how to de-register from the University at the end of the winter semester, or how to re-register for the summer semester.

If you continue studying at the EAH Jena in Summer Semester 2025 (April to September 2025), you must re-register by 17 February 2025 at the latest. To re-register, please transfer the semester fee for the Summer Semester 2025 in the amount of € 273.65 to the following account:

RecipientErnst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
IBANDE72 8205 0000 3001 1118 26
BankLandesbank Hessen Thüringen
Amount€ 273.65
ReferenceStudent number-R251-surname, first name

Note on the reference line: Please replace the word "student number" with your own student number and "Name, Vorname" with your own surname, first name.

What happens if I do not transfer the semester fee on time?

If we do not receive the semester fee by 17 February 2025, we will charge you an additional late fee of € 25. If you have not re-registered by the end of the semester on 31 March 2025, you will automatically be de-registered from the EAH Jena.

Hint: If you are unsure that you can make the transfer of the semester fee by 17 February 2025, please inform Mr Robert Schaef in good time. You will then get more time for the transfer.

At the beginning of your studies, you have enrolled yourself at the EAH Jena. At the end of your studies, you need to the opposite: you de-register yourself. The corresponding German term is “Exmatrikulation”. You may determine the date on which the de-registration is to take place yourself. This can be, for example, the day of your departure from Jena or the day on which you would like to move out of the hall of residence. The certificate of de-registration (“Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung”) can already be issued before the actual date of de-registration.

The certificate of de-registration is important. You will need it for the following purposes:

  • Termination of the rental agreement with Studierendenwerk
  • Termination of health insurance contract in Germany
  • Termination of bank account in Germany
  • Termination of further existing contracts (e.g. phone, internet)

De-registration procedure

In order to de-register, you will need to fill in the application for de-registration (“Antrag auf Exmatrikulation”). 

Apply for de-registration now

  1. Fill in the application for de-registration (“Antrag auf Exmatrikulation”) and undersign the form. Please enter “Hochschulwechsel” as the reason for de-registration. Please leave the field “Tag der Abschlussprüfung” blank.
  2. Subsequently, send the form by email to:
  3. Consequently, the certificate of de-registration (“Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung”) will be issued and returned to you by email.

Just as you registered with the City Office ("Bürgerservice") in Jena at the beginning of your stay, you must also de-register before returning to your home country. You can de-register at the earliest 1 week before the date of moving out.

You will need the following documents for de-registration:

Please send the required documents as scans by email to:


Team Bürgerservice
Löbdergraben 12
07743 Jena

As long as you are enrolled at the EAH Jena, you can view and download your grades as pdf file in the university's self-service portal. After de-registration from the university, you will no longer have access to the self-service portal.

In the following table, you will find an overview of who you will receive your grades or your transcript from after exmatriculation.

Exchange programmeContact for grades/transcript
Exchange studentsInternational Office (Robert Schaef)

Double degree: 

  • Chinese German University of Applied Scienes
  • Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • Universidad de Valparaíso
Prüfungsamt I
Double degree: Swiss German UniversityPrüfungsamt IV