Environmental and geo-resource management
Master of Science
In the first year of study, you will be taught specialised knowledge and skills from the fields of environmental engineering and geosciences, such as raw material geology and deposit science, assessment of material cycles, increasing the resource and energy efficiency of industrial processes, assessment and planning of recycling and disposal strategies, and methods of groundwater and soil remediation.
The increasing importance of interdisciplinary and digital competences is taken into account by subjects such as environmental law, economic competence, sustainable management as well as numerical methods and simulation.
In the first two semesters, the study content is divided into the competence areas of geosciences, environmental technology and interdisciplinary competences. The choice of modules and credit points per semester can be made according to the individual interest of the students, whereby at least 18 credit points must be completed in each of the three areas. A total of 60 credit points are acquired in the first year of study.
The second year of study serves the independent scientific work. The possible thematic coupling of the research-based project module and/or the work-related project module with the Master's thesis enables you to deal intensively with a scientific topic.
Extensive international research and teaching cooperations offer very good opportunities to complete parts of the degree programme abroad. This international reference is also supported, among other things, by English-language compulsory elective modules and a course in intercultural competence.