Liberty and Ownership of Social Data
9.00 Get-together (with Coffee)
9.30 Welcome Adresses (Stefan Schweinberger and Representatives of FSU Jena)
9.45 Clara Iglesias Keller (Weizenbaum Institute, WZB Berlin Social Science Center): Democratic Governance of Digital Platforms
10.45 Coffee
11.15 Julian Kauk (FSU Jena): eXploring the New Twitter: How Elon Musk has Rejiggered the Platform’s Discourse
11.45 Researcher experiences regarding access of social data (Impulse Discussion; Moderation: Helene Kreysa, FSU Jena)
12.15 Lunch Break (Lunch provided on-site)
13.00 Blitz talks on current research
14.00 Philipp Lorenz-Spreen (MPI for Human Development, Berlin): Digital media and democracy: what is changing globally and measurement methods
14.45 Edda Humprecht (FSU Jena): Navigating Data Access Challenges in Social Media Research: Empowering Users and Enhancing Insights
15.30 Coffee Break
16.00 Battleground Social Media - Wem gehören die Daten und wer entscheidet darüber?
(Podium Discussion; Moderation: Julia Asbrand and Andreas Freytag, Members of the Media-Active Group, FSU Jena)
17.00 End of Symposium