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Veranstaltungsreihe "Karrierewege" - "How to find the right profession? Hints for your jobsearch and career plan"

Liebe Studierende, wir möchten Sie herzlich zum nächsten Online-Vortrag der Veranstaltungsreihe Karrierewege einladen. Kommende Woche Mittwoch (09.11.) haben wir das Online-Seminar „How to find the right profession? Hints for your jobsearch and career plan“ (in English) im Programm.

This workshop helps you to develop a targeted career strategy. You will receive important advice regarding your self-reflection, which is about your professional and personal strengths on the one hand, and your individual and career goals on the other. This will allow you to further define your career direction and find out which jobs and career paths suit you, your profile and your potential, and how to find them. 

Datum: Mittwoch, 09.11.2022
Zeit: 15:30 – 17:30 Uhr
Referentin: Carolyn Litzbarski • Karrierecoach München


15:30 bis 17:30