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Veranstaltungsreihe "Karrierewege" - "Career Insights in the high-tech industry of optics and photonics" (in English)

The climate changes, agriculture and nutrition, future housing and mobility – all these challenges and more can’t be solved without optical technologies.

Are you looking for an internship or for interesting jobs in technological fields that could solve the questions mentioned above? 

There is good news for you. Jena and the entire state of Thuringia offer exciting jobs in the field of optics and photonics.  

We have prepared some insights and answers to your questions about starting a career. After this you have the opportunity to discuss your concerns about your first job. 

Our event gives you 

  • an overview of the most important steps in the career and application process 

  • a concrete insight into the high-tech industry of optics and photonics in Jena/ Thuringia 

  • and on top you will receive insider information on relevant companies opportunies in Jena/ Thuringia 

Speaker Anke Siegmeier •  Optonet e.V. and Johanna Scholz • Welcome Center Jena
Time 4 - 5 p.m.
Room online 
16:00 bis 17:00