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Veranstaltungsreihe Karrierewege: How to plan your career success

Career planning is the process of discovering your opportunities that match your interests, passions and goals. This process involves a series of simple steps and can be applied throughout your career. Make sure you are working towards goals that satisfy you, no matter where you are in your career. This workshop outlines the steps you can take to get on the right path. A must-have for moving your career forward!

Speaker Joanna Pawlaczek holds a Master‘s Degree in Intercultural Human Resource Development and Communication Management (FSU Jena) and presently works at the Thuringian Agency For Skilled Personnel Marketing (ThAFF). ThAFF is a state-wide institution for skilled professionals who are planning their private and professional future in Thuringia as well as for Thuringian employers looking for support to secure skilled personnel.

Speaker Joanna Pawlaczek • Thuringian Agency For Skilled Personnel Marketing (ThAFF)   
Time 3.30 – 5.00 pm
Room 01.02.14
Language English
15:30 bis 17:00