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What is different to India? Tips for starting your career in Germany!

Vivek Luthra is the Head of Export and Quality Management Officer at Obermühle Polymertechnik GmbH in Pößneck. He moved to Germany in 2006 for work, having lived in India and USA earlier. In addition to learning the German language, there were many other differences to his native country - India. He will share the experiences of his professional life and give tips for starting your career in Germany: 

Vivek Luthra is the Head of Export and Quality Management Officer at Obermühle Polymertechnik GmbH in Pößneck. He moved to Germany in 2006 for work, having lived in India and USA earlier. In addition to learning the German language, there were many other differences to his native country - India. He will share the experiences of his professional life and give tips for starting your career in Germany: 

  • How to approach the companies? 

  • How to present oneself? 

  • How to maximize the opportunities from the available resources? 

Time: 15:30 – 17:00 Uhr 

Venue: online via BigBlueButton

Speaker: Vivek Luthra - Head of Export and Quality Management Officer | Obermühle Polymertechnik GmbH

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15:30 bis 17:00